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User Name:SilverSun101
Last Visited On:Sep. 22nd, 2003, 13:38:57, PDT
Registered On:January 01, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
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Biography:Yay! As you can see, my scanner and computer are back and doing splendidly! *sees everyone has NO clue what she's talking about* Ahem.. well, those of you who bothered to check know anyway.

Anywho, I'm in a pretty gosh gee golly good mood, now that I'm on break and I don't have to see a psychiatrist anymore! O.o Too much information.. As I was saIyANG-- ah, how about an intro to the wonderful wonderfullness that is.. me!

That is if you find me wonderful, my pet rock thinks I'm swell.

And a certain Saiyan no oujii who is locked in my basement and who is also my personal *ahem* pleasure slave ^_~ seems to think I'm pretty cool too.

Vegeta: Pleasure slave?! Is that what your telling them now?!

SS: Hush in there! I'm trying to talk to the people here!

Vegeta: You can't tell me what the fuck I can and cannot d--

SS: *slams door to basement where now much cussing and yelling can be heard*

eh.. Nevermind him.. he's just uh.. well yeah. ^_^;;

I'm-a fifteen year old person thing,I've been drawing 'professionally'(if you could call it that)for almost 2 years, which is pretty sad because I have made such little progress to show in my 'artwork'. But fear not! I'll hopefully be able to get down to work now that I'm not *quite* the psycho I was.. And hopefully have some more time on my hands..

Uh more stuff: I go to a preparatory(prep) school. Which loads so much homework on my ass that I can barely haul my bookbag home-- I'm also in debate and softball.

Don't get the wrong impression, I'm not one to sit here and brag: "And I like, make straight A's and have ALL honors classes! And I like, have no like uh, like brain!"

Plus, for some of us who don't work like mindless robots and make straight A's-- everyone who DOES seems to base a fucking letter on a person's goddamn intelligence! Do not pontificate out of your ass to me about such matters! O.<

Guess that's the only way you can prove your worth something, eh?

Sorry, many many problems with people at this school.. It's a very nice school with very decent people none-the-less.. well sortof.

But in case you WERE wondering I make A's in everything except math and science, which although I like very much, the classes are godawfully boring and it's next to impossible to pay attention, and in the mean time I just
learn stupid things like how to say my ABC's/ ZYX's backwards.. and how to say anything and everything backwards.. Basically how to do things backwards or study for another class..

Lemme see.. I have a few fav animes which include: Dragonball/Z/GT, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Akira, Cowboy Bebop.. Thats it. I've seen plenty more, but these are my favs, and maybe with Inu Yasha at the bottom(of my fav list not anime list). No offense IY fans.. I like Inu Yasha, but that girl-- Kagome! My god! Could you get any stupider?! She's constantly stating the obvious. For example:

*InuYasha is trapped in some vine hair things*

Kagome: Like, Oh my gosh Inu Yasha, your like, trapped and stuff! Whatever shall I like, do?!

No shit, Kagome. Thankyou for pointing out the obvious!

It just makes me want to give her a good whack on the head! Maybe I'll borrow Saiyan Butterfly's mallet..

Enough ranting.

Fav characters: DBZ: Vegeta vegeta vegeta vegeta *worships shrine dedicated to vegeta in closet*

V.E.G.E.T.A Stands for:







Maybe I'll come up with something better later.

It's very hard to say whose in line next after Vegeta. I really like all the characters equally save for a few. I guess Goku/Kakorotto(give or take an 'r' or 't') would be second. Mind you a very distant second. Probably even tied with Piccolo or Gohan.

In Neon Genesis Evangelion: Asuka Langley Soryuu(noticing a pattern?), she's my hero! lol. And a tie for Shinji and Rei, then Misato.

Akira: Tetsuo! ^_^ Though I don't know a lot about the manga and movie, what I've seen I've absolutely fallen in LOVE with.

Cowboy Bebop: This is a hard one, you really couldn't have one without the other in this show. I really enjoy all the characters, I suppose I don't have a favorite there.

I esp like EIN though, I must get a Welsch Corgy..

NEW ANIME ADDED: Fruits Basket! I just checked out 2 episodes, along with a preview of DBGT from FUNimation-- anywho, Fruits Basket fully rocks. It's a little weird at first, for about the first 5 minutes I was thinking it was going to be flakey-- but it got really good.. really fast. I'd advise anyone who was interested to check it out.
Besides, at the "Zstore"(Go to DragonballZ.com for more details) you can get 2 eps of Fruits basket, this little hilarious interview thingy with some of the voice actors, AND a sneak peek of DBGT all for just $3.
And in case anyone was wondering, the GT preview looked pretty cool too (yeah, I've already seen the japanese GT), I like GT, it might have been better if Akira was directing it-- MAYBE-- Even still it's awesome and anyone who thinks it sucks has got their head up the ass. It's Dragonball! For Godsake, whats NOT to like? I think way too many people are just really friggin' picky and whiny.
Uh-- Well that's all for now you can go back to reading my bio ^_^;;

--Well, not much else to say about me without diving into other, deeper aspects of my life. E-mail me if you'd like, I'm fairly decent to talk to.

Pet Rock(Bob): She's wonderfully wonderful!

Thanks Bob.

I named my pet rock "Bob" after a character in Phoenix Element's comic, which is TOTALLY awesome-- so go read it, now.

Well, I suppose I'll be seeing you around.

Ja, minna!