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User Name:Ghost-of-a-Chance13
Name/Nick:Ghost Chance
Last Visited On:Jan. 14th, 2025, 21:01:20, PST
Registered On:June 06, 2024
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hey, y'all! Ghost here.
I'm a Missouri Rusher who loves reading and writing fanfiction in my spare time - that is, the spare time not taken up by my novel and the ever-accursed "RealLife" and my disability. I've got an odd sense of humor, crazy-varied tastes in music, and an intense personality, and I tend to get distracted pretty easily. I'm a bi city gal married to a wonderfully weird country boy 'named' Cold, and 'Mom' to two very spoiled rescue cats code-named "Heiferlump" and "Woozle." I have a habit of calling people "Hon" and giving people nicknames; it's not meant to be creepy, so please don't freak out and assume it means I'm stalking you or hitting on you, 'kay? If it bothers you, just tell me, no worries.
My writing is a lot like me: odd, a little intense, kinda random, and full of awkward, corny, weird humor and obscure references and facts people don't necessarily recognize or care about. Fortunately, my writing style and casual commentary are very different, so stories don't read like this nonsense here. Please. My major was Literature with a Creative Writing emphasis and I never stopped studying. Expect better...aside from older chapters that may or may not predate my classes. I'm old, people, and I've got the cane to prove it.

Please leave drama on the stage and baggage at the door; I welcome polite con-crit, but anti-rants and flamers will be yeeted into the Bog of Eternal Stench. If you have any questions, want advice, or whatever, feel free to PM me on here or contact me on one of my other regular sites...just don't set a timer or something. Real Life can be a hassle and unfortunately, it comes first. If you don't hear from me for weeks - or longer - that does not mean I'm ignoring you, comatose, or lost in the Congo. It just means life has decided to kick my tush again, and I'm recovering from the resulting injuries.

Hope y'all have a wonderful day, and that Real Life treats you well.
~Ghost Chance

Come pester me elsewhere!

REDDIT: u/Ghost_Chance
TUMBLR: General - Ghost-Chance
*A New Lease on Life-related: Get-a-new-lease-on-life
*Serendipity/Shifting the Paradigm/The Demon King and the Half-Breed Hermit: Serendipity-and-the-Demon-King
*Artwork: Ghost-Chance-digital-works
*Writing resources and inspo: writing-refs-junkpile
(I'm not on Tumblr much anymore due to the nonsense with bans and bots.)

ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN: Ghost_of_a_Chance_13
DEVIANTART: Ghost-of-a-Chance-13
(I don't check this site regularly, better to harass me elsewhere.)

ADULT-FANFICTION.ORG and its forum: Ghost-of-a-Chance
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