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User Name:Marakai
Name/Nick:Marakai Chang
Last Visited On:Jun. 04th, 2002, 03:49:09, PDT
Registered On:April 04, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:marakai_chang
AIM Handle:Mara C Kai
Biography:I'm Marakai. I'm just starting to write fanfiction and I'm probably not that good with it, but I also won't be silenced. I understand and acknowledge that not everyone is going to agree with or like my fanfiction, but I'm not going to change what I write just for them. I don't can't please every reader and no reader is special enough to make me change by sending me nasty reviews or e-mails.

However, I do encourage flames for my fiction. I just wanted to make sure that the flamers would know, if they looked at my bio, that I won't take them seriously. I take Creative Critisism seriously, but flames are just something to laugh at. I need a good laugh once in awhile, you know. ^_~

If you have a question or comment about my fanfic(s) and don't want to post it for anybody but me to read, then feel free to e-mail me or even IM me on Yahoo or AIM. Yahoo is my preferred IM, though.
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