User Name: | Manga Wild |
Name/Nick: | Rebecca Mason |
Last Visited On: | Jun. 15th, 2003, 01:58:40, PDT |
Registered On: | May 05, 2002 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | Well here I go....
Name: Rebecca, although my nicknames are often Becs, Becky (haven't been called that since I was six :P ) and the most popular one is Becca or Beccy-Chan, however some of my friends in the RP I play in call me Manga ...heh but I'm alright with that :: Grins wide::
Age: 18, I'll be 19 this year
Date of Birth: 9th May 1984
Where I live: Somewhere in the UK.
Fav Movies: Emperor's New Groove...well okay nearly every Disney Movie ^_^ , All the Pokemon movies and the Indiana Jones movies as well as Star Wars ( old and new movies) and The Mummy Returns (big credit for my little 12 year old sis into getting me to like that ^_~
Fav Cartoons: Swat Kats, Jackie Chan adventures, The Mummy (animated series), Totally Spies and Samurai Jack, Sitting Ducks (comp animated..has voiceactors from Dragonball Z..and I like it ^_^) (will add more when I remember)
Fav T.V shows: Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Weirdsister college (the further adventures of the worse witch), Big Wolf on Campus, Are you Afraid of the Dark (and again that's as much I can think of)
Fav Anime: CardCaptors, Gundam Wing, Dragonball Z, Monster Rancher, Digimon ( 2nd series only), Pokemon (can't you tell I love cute 'mon' animes? ^_^) and my newest fav anime is Hamtaro!! (as if you didn't guess by seeing all those DBZ Ham-Ham piccies ^_^; ) and most of the people from Dragonball Z, Gundam Wing and Cardcaptors do the voices in there! it's really cool!! ..and so kawaii ^_^
Fav video games: Spyro the dragon, Spyro 2, Spyro 3 and Crash Bandicoot, Crash Bandicoot 2, Crash Bandicoot 3, CTR- Crash Team Racing, Dragonball Final Bout, Dragonball Z Ultimate Battle 22 and Pokemon Red/ Blue/ Yellow/ Gold/Silver/Crystal and Pokemon Stadium and Pokemon Snap ^_^ Oh yeah! and I love playing on Pocket Fighters too! ^_^
Friends online: Charlotte, K.S, Kristen Sharpe, Sage (Di Siles), Jessie SK, Jessie Kunz (Rhi), Leo SK (Scott Herbert), Matt Fisk, Kurishojo, Alex Weathers (Edward Weldon) Sandy ( Mel Baldwin) and Kakarrot ( Andrew), Rebecca Carter.
Friends offline: Charlotte, Andrew, Simeon, Bryony (my own sis ^_^), Samantha, Grace, Sarah, Amber and Jasmine.
Friends who I've met since coming to Media Miner and Side 7: Kurishojo, Sono Kitsune Kono, Kitanna, Child of Sadness, Amazon Fox, Cindy Armond, Donna P, Tahlia Leikas, Lys-Chan, x-shiny, Marla and all the people who give me nice comments on my art ^_^.
Misc Info: Okie Dokie..well me, Charlotte and Bryony have this thing called "Toonami House" where some chars from animes (mainly Dragonball Z and Gundam Wing) are put in this house for 2 weeks (think of it as a Toonami version of Big Brother...only without the dirty stuff ^_^;; )
and during that time they become great friends..heh and since then we made up a cute one called "Toonami Pre-school" where their all little kids ( of around 3 or so..however it can go up to where their around 6) our own version of it (so certain things in the original Dragonball and Gundam Universe are kinda thrown out the window..since the character ages, mostly on the Dragonball side, are different) ..and why have I put this?..well if you find any pics with all of them together then that's what it's from..and one more thing, I DON'T draw any Yaoi or Shonen Ai or Shojo Ai pics so I guarantee you will NOT find any of that stuff in my gallery and if there is a picture that looks a bit like that I'll do my best to give a good and full explanation on it...even if that means giving you a full summary on what it was based on ^_^;; (if it's from an RP event that is)
And I'm also a proud member of the SK/MBI RPG ^_^. that I've finally finished my ramblings and stuff like that, feel free to look at my art..e-heh that is if I didn't bore you to death by telling you all about me e-heh heh ^_^;;
Oh yeah....and now for some quiz results..c'mon you must be really bored to look at these. ^_^; but if you wanna look..well..that's okay with me

What's Your Vegeta Lover Type?
This quiz was made by Ellen
LOL typical..I get the GT version of Vegeta..and I know most people don't like that version..but heck!! once he shaves off that ugly moustache and makes his hair that teency bit spikier..he's like a Anime Bruce Willis!! Awhoooooo!! ::notices people looking at her:: er..*ahem* yes well..that's who my Vegeta would be. ^_^.

The deranged inner child in all of us
Find out what anime girl you are.
and out of anime series..I got....

Find out what anime series you belong in.
E-heh I still can't believe I actually got this as the anime series I'd be in....but hey this is still cool!! |