User Name: | Kagayakino_Hoshiko |
Name/Nick: | Hoshiko Adreon Harruetshito Yenama Kagayakino |
Last Visited On: | May. 14th, 2004, 16:52:00, PDT |
Registered On: | May 05, 2002 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | Quick Facts:
Name: (first, first, middle, middle, last) Hoshiko Adreon Harruetshito Yenama Kagayakino
Birthday: 09/09/88
Single?: Nope. Been in a steady relationship with Kakarotto Nakiomo, of whom I'm deeply in love with, We started dating May 15th of 2002. Oh, and he finally got on Mediaminer. Here’s his url:
Music: My favorite band is Linkin Park. I also like Creed, System of a Down, and other various bands like that. I severely hate Limp Biskit or however you spell that, but if you're a VERY close friend, I'll deal with it if I have to (usually I DON'T, but yeah).
I also like to sing and play the piano.
Art: I'll draw realistic, comic style (as my own style has come to be. Most people I know say that it doesn't look Manga any more), Manga or anime. I like very futuristic, fantasy, magickal pictures, or those elegant pictures like Sailormoon or Chobits, although my favorite anime/manga would have to be Dragonball Z.
Fanfic/novel: I'm currently working on my own novel called Bleeding Destiny: The Shiinai Prinsesai. It kinda' borrows off of Dragonball Z to, so its called a fanfic (my main character's friends are Saiyens).
I also like reading books and fanfics, but they REALLY have to peak my interest. Otherwise I'm on my own writing my own fanfics. I have one that I’m majorly working on called Bleeding Destiny: The Shiinai Prinsesai. I’m working on another one in the background, but I’m not sure what to call it so I haven’t posted it yet (yes, I’m lazy).
Yes, I do take requests. It may take me a while to get to them, maybe a week or so, but I do do them. I'm more apt to draw an original character than one from various mangas (usually I do various mangas without request) but whatever works for you.
If you want to make a request, here's the rules:
1. No hentai. That stuffs ok for some people, but I can't bring myself to draw it.
2. Nudity's ok- but I have my own way of doing it- I don't do it graphically. Deal with it if that's what you want.
3. Give me time: I have a lot on my plate with my school and everything. It usually takes me a week or two to get to requests, but I CAN do it.
4. Original character requests: I either need a damn good description of the character or a picture (I don't care how bad the picture is).
5. Over all, I don't usually color my pictures unless I just absolutely want to, and then I CG it, sorry.
6. Don't request more than three people for a picture. The more people you request in a picture, the longer its going to take me, and the least likely I am to actually accept it.
7. Request pictures by e-mail.
8. AND THE MOST IMPORTANT If you see that I have more than 5 pending requests, DO NOT REQUEST ANYTHING FROM ME until the number goes down. If you do, your e-mail will be deleted and I will not do the request!!
Pending: 0
Finished: 2
Finished List:
1. Holly Jamison's "Sumi" - completed: Tue, 09 Jul 2002
2. “Gotenks: The Indestructible” - completed: Sun, 27 Oct 2002
I am more apt to do art trades than requests, just to let you know. The same rules for Requests applies for Art Trades. Here are the few add ons:
1. In reply to the art trade, you must draw Kagayakino Hoshiko Harruetshito Yenama.
2. If you want to, you can draw Kagayakino Hoshiko Harruetshito Yenama and Kakarotto Nakiomo together (non-hentai). If you do this, I will draw two pictures instead of one.
3. To draw Kagayakino Hoshiko Harruetshito Yenama (and Kakarotto Nakiomo, because Kakarot is NOT Gokou), you can scan my gallery and find plenty pics of them both.
Thank you!
Art Trades:
Pending: 0
Finished: 1
Finished list:
1. Thë¤Ïñfë®ñô¤'s "Pipper" - completed: Wed, 03 Jul 2002, in reply to her picture of Kagayakino Hoshiko Harruetshito Yenama.
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