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User Name:Kagami Han'ei
Last Visited On:Mar. 31st, 2004, 06:16:39, PST
Registered On:June 06, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:hio_123
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:This is me, weather you like it or not.

I'm 16, female, and live in Halifax Nova Scotia, I love Anime and to burn things *laughs evilly* not houses, just wood and stuff out in the forest. ^^ Anyway, I have an extensive number of stories that I write and almost all my art is from them.

I love Inu-Yasha! It’s my Favorite even though the Anime isn't in Canada yet *cries*. I have #4 to #7 of the novels... and... Number 9... And I love every last one of them!
A message to all you American whoever who think they know everything about Inu-yasha because you've seen the mangled warped version on TV, as the famous Bart Simpson would say, you can "EAT MY SHORTS!!" Thank you * bows *

Well... this is me *points at what I've written* weather you like it or not.

ps. most of my pictures (all so far) have been scaned and or repaired by Kuri... thank you!!

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