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User Name:Keax-XV
Last Visited On:Aug. 26th, 2002, 01:24:45, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:NA
AIM Handle:NA
Biography:Current Student and Occasional / Permenant Resident at the XV Research Mental Institute.
Resident Psychopath


Dangerous. Extreme Bad Temper. Sanity Questioned (in other words, insane.). Cracks Crazy Jokes.

2-sided character. Flares up easily. Perceptive. Sensitive. Explosive. Alone. Tempermental. Extreme Short Fuse. Easily Provoked;Stay away unless you want yourself dead in exactly 5 secs. Restricted. Mecurial Tempermant. Impatient and Fired Up.

Loves: Manga, Anime, Writing, Composing Music + Lyrics, Scrawling, Sleeping, Basketball, Surfing the Internet. Books, Music. Creating stuff. Imagining. Staying locked up in own thoughts. Creating new email accounts. Reading others' minds. Sketching. Fighting with my 9 muses. Talking and writing crap, trash and garbage. + managing my current 5 blogs, forums and grps.
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