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User Name:Tongari-Spikey
Last Visited On:Mar. 23rd, 2003, 16:29:22, PST
Registered On:September 09, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
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Biography:Oi Oi! The name be Tongari at yer service *does a sweeping bow* I'm currently 14 years of age and still going.

Hmmmm now, what I like you ask? I like everything, everything is beautiful, if not all the time then at least in some point of life.

I'm a little on the nut side, I'm one tough shell to crack, but once you get it I'm there forever. X)

I'm the dictionary Scorpio and scream in my sleep...Well not all the time, I do talk and fight civil wars though.

One thing that I have noticed is that, you know it's going to be a bad day when you jump out of bed and miss the floor.

Another question that constantly purrs in my head is Am I the only one who notices that the milky way is going a bit sour?

Heres another one. Was today even necessary?

AND how about those little bags of peanuts they give you on planes!! I mean come on!! When I'm about 50 000 feet in the air the last thing I want is some dry chalky tasting bagged Peanuts!!!!

"Excuse me sir? Would you like some old crappy worm infested peanuts in a bag that you can't even open with your pocket knife?"

ARGH!! And the little food carts!!

*Gives evil eye* I know what they're up to, I know exactly what their up to with those! smacking our elbows so we get arthritis! Then we have to fly first class and pay them more money because our elbows don't bend!!



I'm on the nut side. Not the peanuts, you know what nuts I mean. NO NO! Not those nuts either....sicko...*shakes head*
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