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User Name:Vampiric Goddess
Name/Nick:Vampiric Goddess
Last Visited On:Sep. 24th, 2002, 01:07:39, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:light_hope_caverns
AIM Handle:RaginQuiet
Biography:I am a Vampiric Goddess. I do as I please, which means I am going to post what I please. I enjoy reading and writing yaoi, het and yuri. If this bothers someone, you should stear clear of all of my fanfiction or just some of it. I like several different anime, so if I post mostly for one fandom, and then decide to post for another fandom, that does NOT by any means mean that I have decided I no longer like the first fandom. My fanfiction can be a bit...strange to some people. If you don't like it, don't bother me or my fanfiction. The only way I respond to flames, is to laugh out loud, print them out and tack them up on my bedroom wall and the bathroom wall where people can sit and admire the stupidity.

Because, I warn everybody as to what is in my fanfiction. If you are too much of an idiot or jackass to read the warnings, then that isn't MY fault, for I put them there. It just shows the flamer's stupidity. And, that, is hilarious to me.

Now, I am a very nice person to talk to as long as you don't act like a jackass or ask me to cyber, so if anybody wants to IM me or send me an e-mail they are more than welcome to do so.

Just make sure that you speak American English well enough for me to understand first. Because, I don't stand a word of most anything non-American English.
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