User Name: | Bishoujo88 |
Name/Nick: | Lisa |
Last Visited On: | Jul. 16th, 2004, 14:45:37, PDT |
Registered On: | September 09, 2002 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | Awww…you guys wanna know a little about me? *whips away a tear* I’m flattered. Well I’m just an ordinary high school chick with dark hair and dark eye. I like to sing, read, chat and I guess you could fit writing my fics in there somewhere. Movies are high on my hobby list; so is hanging out with my friends. And god knows I absolutely adore reviews. Criticisms are welcomed, I know I’m not perfect, but if you submit a nasty review, don’t expect a nice response.
From my s/n and my stories, you can probably tell that I can’t spell if my life depended on it. Well then what am I doing here, you ask. You see, I like to write stories with horrible grammar just to piss of those who can’t stand grammatically incorrect stories. Nah, actually, I’m just like most of you, a HUG fan of Japanese animation. My favorite is Escaflowne (*gasp* big surprise there).
I don’t usually put disclaimers in my stories so I’m warning you now, I don’t own any of the series (*sigh*) I write about nor any of their characters (Van…*even louder sigh*). If for some stupid reason you decide to sue me, you probably won’t get much out of it anyways. I don’t make a living off of my stories so neither should you! ^_^
I hope that after reading this, I haven’t scared you all away. If they interest you, please read my humble creations, and if you have the time, reviews are appreciated. Enjoy!
If anyone wants to join my mailing list. You can send me an email requesting so and i'll add you onto the list. ^_^
wow, it's been a while since i last updated, well i could go on and on about with the typicall excuses but that would just bore you. so anyways, i'll just move on with the updates. Some of you might have noticed that i removed several chapters from "Not My Kind" because i said that i was going to edit and rewrite that. i still plan on doing that and finish the story (finally) while i'm at it. So look forward to me posting again this summer and once again, sorry about the delays...
I'm offically starting to repost Not My Kind again, so look forward to updates. I'm currently looking for someone to proof read my chapters so if you're interesting and can stand horrible grammar and spelling, please email me. |