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User Name:Hoshi_kitsune
Last Visited On:Apr. 26th, 2003, 16:13:44, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:hoshi_kuragari_de
AIM Handle:kitsune hoshi
Biography:Yay! I now have over 50 peices of artwork here. *sniff* I'm so proud! =D lol.

My name is Hoshi and I am a kitsune. How surprising, considering my username is hoshi_kitsune. LOL. I put up stuff here whenever I can, which, unfortunetly, is often even though I have an evil scanner. >=( it doesn't stop me! But is does kill the quality of my drawings. Sorry ^_^;;

Ok...now let's give descriptions 'n stuff. lol I'll be really really surprised if you read this...what? You're still reading? lol FOOL! j/k...^_~


Age: 14

Gender: Female n.n

Hair color: Bright flamin' orange, and messy, too ^_~

Eye color: bluey-grayey-greeney. o_o;;

Feet color: o_O what possesed me to put THIS here? Err...my feet are...skin-colored...o_o;;;



Foods: err...lol everything? ^_^; ok, seriously...I like shrimp fajitas, tostitoes and salsa, chocolate chip cookies, and just about anything that makes me chubbier than I already am...lol.

Manga/animes: Inu-Yasha and Rurouni Kenshin. I used to adore Fushigi Yuugi, and Ranma 1/2, too...and Pokemon...-_-; can't forget that pokemon stage...lol...

Books: The Dark Materials trilogy (sp?) by Philip whatsishace...Pullman I think o_O;...and right now I'm reading the Fellowship of the Ring.

Sports: SOCCER! ^.^

Animals: Foxes. I adore Kitsunes =3...other than that, I like most sea creatures, particularly Orcas and Dolphins.

Other: Cute things. ~^^~ Anything cute, I love. And I can find something cute in just about anything/one. o_O;


errrrr...lol...what to put here? o_O; Lesse...

Zodiac: Aquarius

Birthday: 8th of February

What inspires me: A lot of things...music and my mood are probably 2 of the biggest, but I also am inspired by other people's pictures. A lot of things inspire me...^_^;;;;

Where I live: I now live in Illinois, but I've lived in 3 different continents before and almost moved to Hong Kong. I was born in England, moved to South Africa, moved back to England, then moved here about 4 years ago.

What I like to do: draw and sing and just be stupid. ^_^ I love being an idiot, it's so much fun. I'm not ^always^ crazy and moronic though...^_~ lol.

--Anything ELSE?--

oh yes, there will be a lot else, when I get around to thinking of what to put here. BUT for now you are spared...dear lord, are you still reading this? You sad person! (j/k ^_^;;;) Go and look at some art!!! That's what this place is for, isn't it?!?!