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User Name:Sumeragi Sakura
Last Visited On:May. 27th, 2003, 22:51:16, PDT
Registered On:October 10, 2002
ICQ Number: 161155279
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Yahoo Handle:yami_no_tsubasa
AIM Handle:littleonmyouji
Biography:Whoo-hoo. As predictable, I'm one of FF.net's survivor. Not survivor, actually, since I'm being kicked out of it for my ALL-NC-17 fics. *snorts*

Anyway, this is a bio, not a rant space. So I should do bio, not rant. Okay then. I'm 23, as old as a goat. Freelance scriptwriter in the real life, yaoi ficwriter online. It's sort of my hidden job in the dark side. Sort of.

I get my kick from yaoi. Any kind of yaoi. But I'd rather write one than draw one. Dreaming of becoming a novel writer, so tell me how I'm doing with my fics. They're my practice, actually.

Live in Indonesia. Not an English-speaking person. So do mind all the spelling and grammatical mistakes I must have made. I'm learning, and I'm learning fast. But do tell me if I suck. Hey, at least give me credit for learning! ^___^

By the way, since my personal archive is currently down, check my fic updates in sumeragisakura_fic at http://groups.yahoo.com/groups/sumeragisakura_fic/
Or I might ramble about it in my blog (check the homepage section). Thanks.
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