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User Name:Sosi Isara
Name/Nick:Sosi Isara
Last Visited On:Jul. 29th, 2003, 17:04:59, PDT
Registered On:October 10, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Sosiiieee
Biography:Mwee! :3 Hello peoples! MM.org seems to be back up! But *GASHP* I seem to have moved to deviantart.com. ;) I'm uploading a bunch of my crap today just because MM.org is MUCH faster and I'm a feedback maniac. So comment if you can, but comments on deviantart.com would be better. ;)

Bishies! X3: Kurt Wagner, Severus Snape, Peregrin Took, Johnny Rocket, Cube, Kuja Tribal, Kefka Pallazo, Tetsuo Kaga, Fujiwarano Sai, Jon Bon Jovi! And more! I'm a crazed fangirl! *foams at the mouth*

I <3 Artemis Fowl, Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Kingdom Hearts, Dark Cloud, The Nightmare before Christmas, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, X-Men, Inu-Yasha, Naruto, Hikaru no Go, bishounen, and more! ^_^ Always and more, because I have a short attention span.

I am smarter than yoooooooooouuuuuuuuuu! ^_^ Yeah right. I wish. XD

*lurves her friend people* :)

http://sosie.deviantart.com <-- Me on DA

http://chronotriggerfan.deviantart.com <-- Me Chrono Trigger Club on DA
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