Name: Mini or Morris
Age: 21
Lives: In a haunted flat with Sariel, my insane muse
Hobby: Reading, writing, drawing
Music: Anything dark and heavy
Reads: Fanfiction (Weiss Kreuz mostly), Fantasy (Robert Jordan, Jennifer Roberson, Robin Hobb, Terry Pratchett) and some other odds and ends.
Misc: Have been writing fanfics since Oct. -02. Hooked on yaoi since about Nov. -02, most obsessed with Schuldig and Yohji from Weiss Kreuz.
I've been writing for a couple of years now and I'm still trying out that part. It's a part of my life and it also keeps me sane.
The fics can be found here, at and at my site (rarely updated). The SxY ones can also be found at Guilty Sins (, the site I'm running with Myka and Pandora. Well, Myka's the one who's really running it, we're merely falling down into the gutter with her a little now and then...
My daily rants and weekly bitching (for those who are interested):
And last, but not least... Like every other author out there I love feedback. Through reviews or through email doesn't matter (although I can be a bit slow at replying to the emails sometimes I still read and appreciate every kind - and some not so kind - word).