User Name: | Usermlsra |
Name/Nick: | Ryan Wilson |
Last Visited On: | Sep. 06th, 2003, 21:34:45, PDT |
Registered On: | December 12, 2002 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
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n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | September 6th, 11:28 PM
The number one question of all of those who look here is most likely this: Where'd all these chapters of Finding Happiness coming from? The answer is, my hardrive, upon which they've been sitting for several months now. It's partly my fault, partly MediaMiners. MediaMiners for being extremely slow untill recently, and mine for not remembering to put them up once it sped up. I would have not even remembered now had it not been for the kind reveiw of adorable akane (Thank you,adorable akane!), and I hope everyone enjoys these long delayed chapters.
Second most likely thought question: When are the next chapters due out? Answer: Not anytime soon. There are three reasons for this. One, real life has caught up with me, and other things are drawing my time away from writing. Two: I'm suffering the most terrible of writers block with Finding Happiness, and untill it finally crumbles, this will remain my biggest deterrent. And finally, three, I havn't even looked at Finding Happiness in the past two months, and have forgotten chunks of the story.
The good news is that while I havn't tousched FH for a while, I have managed to get a few other story ideas out of my skull, however, not only are they unable to be hosted here, due to thier being original works, not fanfics, I shall have to place them on I shall provide a link when I upload them to the site. And, concering FH, hopefully when I read the story over again to solve reason three, reason two will crumble like the Berlin wall, and my writing will spill forth again, making EVERYONE happy!
With Regards,
Usermlsra AKA Ryan Wilson |