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User Name:Dark Anime Lover, Bleeding Heart
Name/Nick:Kelgami shalaweto Kewrakeo
Last Visited On:Dec. 27th, 2002, 17:43:50, PST
Registered On:December 12, 2002
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hi, my name is Kelgami i'm from Japan. I know English and very little french.

I like drawing. and writing stories

I like digimon and yugioh and yu yu hakusho and inuyasha.

my fav: yamato and taichi{digimon}

seto and yami, or seto and jou or jou and yugi [yugioh] bakura and ryou.

hiei and kurama [yu yu hakusho]

inuyasha and his bro.

fav color: black

i'm bi don't like though kuso!