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User Name:alfarrar
Name/Nick:A'nore and L'orn
Last Visited On:Dec. 13th, 2003, 16:06:49, PST
Registered On:January 01, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:lhfarrar
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hi, here's a little info about us. There's two of us here. Gemini Twin sisters. Good and Evil Ying and Yang. Both of us are major anime freaks.

Favorite Anime- Dragonball Z and G Gundam

Favorite Anime Characters- Piccolo, Vegeta, Zarbon and of course Domon, Allenby, Kyoji

Age- Old enough to know better but to young to remember to think twice before doing it!

Height- I'm 5'7" and sis is 5'9 1/2" (doing my best Vegeta death glare at my taller Goofy Goku sis)

Weight- Oh please I'm not about to answer that one!

Hair- Plain ol' Brown

Eyes- Hazel

Favorite Food- Double whammy for Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream (and yes that is a major food group)

Favorite Mommy Drink- Fridays Mudslide and sis' is 7 & 7

Favorite Hobbies- Read and Write, Read and Write some more, oh and occasionally work as well when we can fit it in!

Favorite Authors- Both of Us- Andre Norton, Mercedes Lackey, Anne Macafferty, and Piers Anthony. My very favorite is David Eddings. If you haven’t read anything by him Do So Now! In my humble opinion he is by far the best fantasy character writer out there, his stories are highly developed and his writing is, to find a better word, intense.

Favorite Fan Fiction Writers- Lady Valtaya, phatomscribe72,little_ninjin, LavenderGoddessV, JLuvsVeggie, VegetaGoddess, sirencirce, Ember, Dark Serapha