User Name: | Astarii |
Name/Nick: | Acky |
Last Visited On: | Mar. 12th, 2003, 14:01:42, PST |
Registered On: | March 03, 2003 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | Hmm, my story, I should suppose, would be the most interesting thing to talk about. The rest of my life is pretty boring. lol. It might be a bit on the long side, so forgive me.
I was first introduced to Fan-Fiction after beginning to get addicted to DragonBallZ at 9 years old. I had always been a writer, as far back as I can remember, and after reading some great series on the 'net, decided to write some myself. Back then Anime, or at least DragonBallZ Fan-Fiction, was much different. There wasn't a stock-full of DBZ 'fics like there is today. You really had to search for them. And, well, it was in a way good. Because they weren't everywhere, and easily accessible, the 'fics were a lot better. Period. People took the time to write great things like "The Last Warrior", which was the first 'fic that I ever read that put me in awe. I was 10 by then, so I had read 'fics for a year. Anyway, I just got off the subject. If you wrote a 'fic, usually you had to host it yourself, thus making people who took their writing very un-seriously, more of a boredom tactic, almost near obsolete. You had to put effort into your 'fics, and boredom tactic writers didn't want to hassle with putting up a site. Me, I didn't have any HTML knowledge, so while I wrote and wrote and wrote till my fingers bled, and was very serious about it, I never got my stuff into someones hands, someone who could give me advice, criticism, etc. I must have wrote 50+ things about DBZ and DBZ only, until I was 11, and, in honesty, lost interest in the DBZ thing. I was always loyal to it, I always loved it, but as far as writing, reading, or watching, well those things slacked to an all-time low. Then i started seeing DBZ everywhere. T-shirts in shops at the beach and stores in malls, stickers at the dollar tree, notebooks and binders at wal-mart, manga and episodes at, these all started popping up. DBZ was hitting the mainstream, people were knowing what it was, and just not Anime fanatics. Regular kids would be begging their moms for movies at the store, teens - mostly guys, i'll admit - were buying the shirts at the mall. People were beginning to know who Goku was! Girls were getting giggly about Marai-no-Trunks! (although he always was - and forever will be - mine) I suppose the DBZ revolution, as I would like to call it, thrust me back into the DragonBallZ scene, although it was a slowly-but-surely thrust. I gradually started grabbing a t-shirt at the beach, becoming proud of DBZ...but I didn't start writing right away. My best friend, Michaela, has a birthday in June. For her birthday, I wrote her a book. Yes, a full-scale, book you'd find in a store size, book. I'm a writer, I give gifts like that. lol. Anywayz, I gave her the book - a sort of Jane Austen/Fantasy romantic book, set in a royal court with the married king's interest invested towards a young lady, new to court, who is loved by a powerful and wealthy duke, who annoys her. But I went a bit off topic there. The plot of the book has no relivancy. When I gave her the book she loved it, and the next day when we were talking about it she said jokingly, "Have you ever written anything about that DragonBall?" Forgive her ignorance, for she always refers to it as, "The DragonBall" or "The DragonBalls". Well it was that one question that sparked me into writing again. I had continually been writing since I was 11, just nothing that had to do with DBZ. I had completed 9 books - or 8 last summer - and was working on 11 - now 10 - but none of it had anything to do with DBZ. Most were fantasy, a new love I had acquired when I read Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings. Both brilliant in their own ways. But when my best friend said that, I looked into my old things. Most were theoretical stories, for I had seen any episodes past Namek. I had heard of these oh-so-wonderful Androids, who I loved merely through pictures and fan-fics, I had heard of Marai-no-Trunks, he was my favorite character. And that was before I was able to see even a glimpse of him beyond a webpage or fan-fiction story. I had fallen in love with these characters before the DBZ wave hit America. So, truly, me and the handful of writers before the wave, are the true fans. Don't get me wrong - let me explain this. We searched out DBZ, we rummaged through the net, we had to look, to put effort into being a DragonBallZ fan. This was before they had the huge sites up, before you could simply enter the word "Dragon" and three-million sites would pop up. I'm not saying to anyone who didn't discover DBZ before '99 that they aren't fans, but we're the fans who sparked enough interest into it to make it a world-wide phenomenon. I know tons of fans who've only become interested recently, and their true-through-and-through fans, they really are fans, so don't get me wrong when I make that statement. Again i've gone off-topic in defending myself. I was talking about my earlier 'fics. Well, they were theoretical, seeing as I never knew exactly how the Androids came about, never saw the Trunks Special. They were good, they showed effort, but the plots mismatched the actualy storyline so much it was like a whole other spin-off of DBZ and its characters. One, for instance, was "The Root Of Evil" a story of how the Androids came about. Well, it didn't match the actual events at all, and so off course that for someone who had seen the Android saga, they'd be beyond confused. Another flaw in some of my 'fics was that I used to think Majin Buu was before the Androids, and any fiction I had beyond Namek portrayed this "alternate timeline of events". I started thinking of ideas then, of possible plots. I started getting my events and timelines straight - I admit to sometimes forgetting that Majin Buu is after the Androids - and then I searched for someone to host my story. It was then that I stumbled upon, where i'm mostly known for my story "A Change of Heart" a T/P 'fic where Trunks bets a friend he can turn Pan Son from a Tomboy, to a girl worth dreaming of. After I joined, I thought and thought of plots, and came up with A Change of Heart. At first I didn't want it confused with a regular "She's All That" theme, and one of my first reviews proved it might be. However I quickly changed people's minds, and have completed the story - however I wasn't happy with the ending, and am currently working on re-writing it. (it's been through 5 re-writings already) Once completed, it will be 29 chapters, plus an AL. I will always write, whether it changes from something to another, and I will always have a special place in my heart for DragonBallZ, and am totally supportive of Fan-Fiction. Without it, I wouldn't be where I am, planning to go to school in England and get a degree with a double major in writing and movie-making, from where i'll make movies and write, the two things I know will keep me happy for years to come. Thanks to all my readers, without you, I wouldn't be where I am today. Thanks so everyone who has read and reviewed A Change of Heart, for I very well might have not continued with DBZ fiction had I not gotten then wonderful reviews that I did. Hopefully here at MediaMiner, my story will be like here as well.
Some Tidbits or Two:
Favorite Color: Blue and Green
Favorite Song: Wild Child by Enya
Favorite Thing You've EVER Written: A Change of Heart
Favorite Chapter From It: That's too hard! Each chapter is like a different story to me. :) Although, I must admit, it's "A Talk on Marriage Over Dinner, The Tin'aco Experience, and Unheard Apologies". Love that one!
Favorite On-Shot You've Done: "I Know Death" where Goku tells Marai-no-Trunks he doesn't know the consequences of fighting, of life and death. Really short, but most of my one-shots are.
Activities Beyond DBZ?: Irish Stepdancing, a little Anime art - i'm not that good - Celtic legends, myths, and lore, and just about everything else Celtic - jewelry, dress, etc. - MEDIEVAL ANYTHING! I love the Medieval period. Oh, and Daniel Radcliffe. Yum! I'm also way into drama, writing plays, acting, staging performances, etc. Right now i'm working on a singing/dancing/drama/poetry reading show that's scheduled for May 3rd, and i'm heading up the entire thing - and performing in it too.
Are You Obsessive About Anything?: Tons of things. DBZ, Irish Stepdancing, Daniel Radcliffe, a website called, Celtic things, Medieval things, and I have a strange fascination of Vampires. Yup!
DBZ Tidbits:
Favorite Characters, in order: Marai-no-Trunks, Vegeta, Android 17, Pan
Favorite Saga: The Android Saga, but i'm fascinated with Vejita-sei - pre blown-up era. lol.
Favorite DBZ Fan-Fic: The Last Warrior, it just influenced my writing so much. Another two i'm really enjoying though are "Pretend You Don't See Him" by Angel Eevee and "For The Love of A Child" by Mikila. (both of
Favorite DBZ Line: It changes every episode! Currently though, it's a quick convo between Vegeta and Goku, when they're in Majin Buu's body - his head to be exact - and their kids and Piccolo turn into food.
Goku: He's Cake!
Vegeta: It's toast, Kakkarot, Toast!
Goku: No, he's really cheesecake!
Favorite Episode: I still have seen The Trunks Special, but i'm sure it would be my favorite. Androids AND MArai-no-Trunks! Perfect!
Favorite bad guy: Android 17, he's just so...evil, and so good at it too.
Thanks for taking a look at my bio-turned-story! |