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User Name:Shashomiru
Last Visited On:Mar. 19th, 2025, 13:42:53, PDT
Registered On:March 03, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:Shashomiru
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Edit 6.17.2024 at 7:05P.M... I did exactly that. Everything is updated and complete! If you comment or interact with any of my stories, I shall receive an email and add more chapters!

Edit 4.16.2021 at 10:20P.M... I always think about finishing these and I often come back to check on things~

Name: Celeste

Hobbies: Writing, drawing, writing music, playing piano, Guitar, painting, and a billion other things.

=D If you'd ever like to see one of my stories updated, feel free to send me a message or email anytime! I'd update even after all these years if I knew if anyone was still interested in reading. C:

Hack's information...

Name: Hack [presumably]
Age: 19 [presumably]
Fave Color: Platinum

Yugioh is still awesome. All info updated in May of 2012. And June 17 of 2024

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