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User Name:Victoria
Last Visited On:Aug. 12th, 2003, 15:39:55, PDT
Registered On:April 04, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hello, I'm Victoria Midnite, a newcomer to the whole writing world, it's my newest hobby. I am a teenager and live in Southern California, with my parents and three brothers.

Along with writing I paint abstractly, am a music fanatic of all sorts, amateur actress, singer/songwriter (not a very good songwriter) failed poet, and wannabe stand up comedian.

I believe that everyone should do what they feel compelled to do. Some people feel the compulsion to save people, that's where cops and doctors come from. I have the compulsion to entertain the mind, not just entertain. That is where good writers and amazing lyrists come from. I don't quite know where business people and laborers come from , I can't understand their minds. I can only understand the mindset that wants to better people in some way, be it physical or mental.

I think everyone should realize something profound everyday or at least think really hard at something, since so many people have given up on REALLY thinking. I'm somewhat of a philosopher, though I'm still sorting out what philosophies I believe in, lol ;) (it's a start.)

I'm still searching out everything in this world, and always remember that; if the sun doesn't come out tomorrow, rainy days have better puddles than any sunny day could ever hope for, and I know that deep down inside everyone is a kid that wants to go jumping in puddles (I just happen to do that on the outside, what’s life, of your not going to live it?)

Peace and Love.
