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User Name:Sith
Last Visited On:Aug. 30th, 2003, 20:57:14, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Noel Sith

Background: Asian and Mexican

Trademark: End stories with a tragic or cliffhanger ending and pics by me have SNL on it.

Hi, Im Sith, Im also known as Snl, and sometimes Stitch. I wear black every day of my existence. Im atheist, so I might bash on religion (no offense in all), I love to draw, read, and write. I also like to play on my PS2 (especially rpgs or fighting games), go on the computer, go to conventions, and clubs.

Im a big fan of yaoi, open minded to yuri, but I do prefer to do the boy and girl pairings the most. Especially pairing the heros with the villains is fun, because it would never happen, even though everyone would like to see it happen.

Feel free to email and visit my website.
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