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User Name:Gelasia Castle
Name/Nick:Baka Lacy
Last Visited On:Jan. 24th, 2007, 19:29:22, PST
Registered On:July 07, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:Cody_Chaqspa
AIM Handle:EosDaPimptress
Biography:I love yaoi like a rabid monkey. I am a fan of Gundam Wing, Gravitation, Yami no Matsuei, Weiss Kreuz, X-men evolution, Invader Zim, and ever so many more. My favorite pairings are: 1x2, 5x2, 4x2 (GW), MurakixTsuzuki (YnM), anyonexKurt (X-men), anyonexOmi (WK), anyonexYohji (WK). I'm very evil towards my favorite characters and tend to hunt down NCS fics (>.>). I'm big on roleplay, my Furcadia name is Cody Chaqspa. Feel free to IM me, or, if you are a Furcadia user, whisper me.

Important note! If you're curious as to how I am coming along with my fanfics, and/or when I will be next updating, please check out my web journal. I rant about yaoi a lot there too.
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