User Name: | J-chan3536 |
Name/Nick: | Jessy |
Last Visited On: | Jul. 17th, 2003, 17:02:53, PDT |
Registered On: | July 07, 2003 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | angelbaby7070 |
AIM Handle: | PSoldiersGirl |
Biography: | Name: Jessica
Nickname(s): Jessy, Jess, J...
Name on the 'Net: J-chan
Age: 15
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: Dark brown but I think I’m gonna dye it black with blue streaks.
Self-desciption: Umm.. I'm 5'11ish. I never really thought about what 'J-chan' looks like because it never mattered. 'J-chan' is myself, although I don't think I've actually attacked as many people as I have in my stories. ^_^ I can be very bitchy and like to cheer Liz on as she kills people. I can be very quiet, but also very loud. I think I just babble for everyone else's amusement because it makes people happy. Or maybe I just think it makes people happy...hmmm. I'm also incredibly lazy.
Been into Writing: 1996
Fav charas: *DUO*, Heero, Ron Weasley, *Sirius Black* (
What I do on the 'Net: Bartender. Fountain of useless information and stupid idea creator. Hair Fetishist Extraordinaire. (Fetish is a strange word. It's strange to spell and strange to say)
Where I live on the 'Net: My Conspiracy Bar. Although I'm not entirely sure where the Bar is. It used to be on Paula’s webpage, but she's been moving so much things probably got messed up. I think the Bar follows me now. It doesn't matter where I am as long as I'm there then so is the Bar.
Anime chara I'm most like: Probably Trowa. He just sits back and watches people do stupid crap. I do that too. Just sit somewhere and watch people; I guarantee it's better than TV.
Something I love: Paula's website. The chibi bat-Duo flying around makes me very happy. I also like the little chibi Heero chasing him around with a beam saber.
Something I'm thankful for: Duh, anime!!
Something else I'm thankful for which I probably should have said First: My friends. I'm not a very sappy person, but when you sit and think about things as much as I do, how my friends can stand me just boggles my mind.
My favorite person in the world: I should say someone of great importance to me, like Tony or Lizzy, but it's actually the guy who invented the help button.
People I hate: Several Greek philosophers who had entirely too much time on their hands, thus creating torture methods known as advanced math. Also Mark Twain.
Something important: DUO!!
Words to live by: “To thine own self be true.” ~Shakespeare’s Hamlet
Some Words of Wisdom: Beware of illness. It messes with the brain and causes you think you're being profound and intelligent.
Uhhh..Let's see, what else?
Spastically social: -Nods- Yes I am. But only on paper. But don't tell anyone -leer- I hate the site of blood and to kill you would be a great inconvience.
Other Stuff: I live for anime! Reading and drawing are my passions. I like Dark Humor. Like.. JTHM. And probably some other slavegraphics things. -shrugs- Life can be boring... need to bug people sometimes, ah you know how it is. And that is why you are here. -points to screen-
If there's anything else you wanna know, IM me...
Have a safe trip now!! |