User Name: | SilverGladiator |
Name/Nick: | Tim Mast |
Last Visited On: | Oct. 12th, 2005, 12:30:03, PDT |
Registered On: | August 08, 2003 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | ExcalibusGladium |
Biography: | Real Name: Timothy Mast
Birthday: Mar 20, 1987 (Year of the Rabbit)
Astrological Symbol (in which I do not believe): Pisces
Location: Pennsylvania, USA
Hobbies: Cheese, Computer building, Hitting stuff with sticks, etc.
Used to write at, till they pissed me off (and the reviewers dried up - selfish bastards.) Now, I only exist here, in a sort of limbo.
I write digimon fanfics, and not much else. Oh, sure, I could, but that would require more resources than I have at the moment (since I have all 4 seasons of digimon on VHS.)
Anyway, I write more in the epic style than anything else. Adventure, romance, those sorts of things. No comedy, since I have a rather twisted sense of humour, and many other people find it...well...not funny, I guess. |