blah blah i was born blah blah and i hope i die soon^^ anyways i love japan and its anime hehe^^ but i hope its a general ficy station caze right now i only have like 6 unfinished ficies on ccs i hope ya all like ccs like i do! caze if ya dunt...ill kick ur butt^^ anyways^^ any qs just aim meh
oh and i love to dance under the moonlight sing and draw and sometimes daydream^^
i live in hell 9...literally.. caze the world we live in cant be worse than hell) with meh parents and meh sissy who's gonna be the next ruler of the underworld! bwhahahaha!
i love nature and hate humans! especially russian humans! fuck u russians! and no u r not da best! (im racist against meh own race^^ bwhahahah)
im crazy messed up lil kid like all of us weirods! but then again we are the normal ones and everyone else is a freak! goth power!
fav. relegions r wicca and shinto^^
i wish to go to japan before i die and find my own 'dake no hito' have all the anime in da world and have all the gothic outfits i like! and kill all the humans so our mother nature can finally breath again! and i believe in destiny and all tat crap! and meh goddess ish da best!
fav. quotes: never say never caze only im allowed to say tat
when life becomes ur worst enemy; death shall become ur best freind..
make love never have sex!
is it a sin to run away from reality if its so cruel?
i still like a good challenge against the ways of Destiny so this ish meh other fav. quote:
go on laugh at those who challange Destiny...lets kill eachother... we'll put up a futile struggle, howling and shedding blood...only than will our genesis unfold..
then theres my fav. poems
kill at free will, bathe in the crimson blood of your lovers, siblings, enemies and traitors.
Corruption will be your Guide and Death shall be your Judge...
listen to the voices of these winged beings...our century begins now...(i made this myself ehehe)
"lost soul in the rain"
in darkness let me dwell, the ground shall sorrow be. the roof-despair to bar all cheerful light from me... walls of marble black with moist that still shall weep.. my music hellish jarring sounds to banish friendly sleep.. thus wedded to my woes and bedded to my tomb oh let me living die till death do come!
and heres 'angels in the woods' and if you have read my this is how our souls die youll recognize it:
lily-like, white as snow, she hardly knew she was a woman
so sweetly she grew,
now coffin boarded, heavy stone lie on her breast... i vex my heart alone she is at rest...