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User Name:Rakesha
Last Visited On:Oct. 04th, 2004, 20:59:58, PDT
Registered On:September 09, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:jacklynriddle@yahoo.com
AIM Handle:qnknapp62
Biography:My name is Laura. I go to school. I go to high school. I am a freshman. I am fifteen years old. ((I am not really Laura. I am Michelle, Lauras bestest friend in da WHHHOOOOOOOOLEEEEEE world. She is too lazy to write out her bio. ill go back to being laura now)) I am really dumb because I only have one whole chapter on Dark America. Buh-bye!! *waves*
Things I like(With commentary by Yaviewen):
Harry potter(hafa agree)
Buffy the vampire slayer(Buffy kicks @$$)
Angel (Don't like that one)
Anita blake, vampire hunter novels (LOVE JEAN-CLAUDE)
just about any anime.(YOU FORGOT ZELDA!!!)
Wicca (good work)
vampires (*puts on fake vamp teeth, grins happily)
anything supernatural (PTB needs to BURN IN THAT HOT FIREY PLACE!!!)
horror movies (i vant to suck your blood!!)
Musicals (agree there... except West Side Story scares me)
and anything celtic or midevil.(WOOO HOOO!!! CELTIC FAIRE!!!)
And michelle Who said YOUR my bestest friend in the whole world?

{(*holds hand to chest((aka it's michelle/Yaviewen=GO READ MY STORIES!!!))* Im dead inside now... you've killed me... gah... *runs away crying anime tears*

~Okay, you have sucessfully confused the Bob~)}


{( IM BA-ACK!!!!!!!!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!!!! I LIKE SUGAR!!!! Whats that mr.popo? its time for tea? okay lemme get my bowling shoes!!! weweewewwweeeeeeeeee! ! !
DIE MARY SUE DIE DIE DIE! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !)}
Yaviewen you need to stay dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(starts making out with squall.)
((*beats squall over the head with a mallet for no reason whatsoever*))
(rakesha laughs insanly)
Rakesha: I think we're slowly scaring people with my bio.
Yaviewen: *evil laugh* More reviews for me!! *whiney tone* I'm at Princess of Darkness's house and she's threatening me with a SPORK!! GAH!!! And *sniff* she's making me listen to *sniff* japanese music, even if she doesn't know what they're saying, but she's singing to it!!! I dun know what they're saying!! WAH!!WAH!!!!! Oh, look, P.o.D, it's HIEI!!!*points*
P..o.D. : WHERE?!?! *runs off*
Yaviewen: *shuts off Japanese music with a sickening click, shudders* Well, that got rid of her...
P.o.D.: *comes back in, anime tears* I couldn't find him... :(
Yaviewen: *muttering* Spoke too soon. *normal tone*Aww... here ya go! *waves arm, Hiei suddenly appears in bathtowel, dripping wet,etc.*
P.o.D.: YAY! *hugs/chokes Hiei*
Yaviewen: Go have fun, you two crazy kids!
P.o.D (Princess of Darkness;Erin): Oh, we will *cackles evilly, drags Hiei off*
Rakesha:*shakes head* You scare me sometimes P.o.D.
Rakesha: I saw UNDERWORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *breakdaces*
Wow my fics up. yay! *breakdances yet again*
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