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User Name:Charkkohl
Last Visited On:Dec. 13th, 2003, 08:37:49, PST
Registered On:December 12, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:nazgul insomniac
Biography:You are walking through a long hallway, with nothing around you but silence. Then, out of nowhere, a heavy darkness spreads through the place and chokes you.
Looking around wildly, you see nothing, hear nothing, smell nothing, and feel nothing. The pressing silence that fills the air sends shiver after ice cold shiver down your spine. You begin hearing voices, voices that speak of nothing; and at the same time speak of everything weighing heavily in your heart.
Then, through all the darkness, you spy and shadow gliding gracefully over to you. It's haunting, celtic voice fills you and chills your very soul.
"Come with me into the dark, send your mind over the edge into the blissful realm of insanity. Together, you and I will harness this power and use it to bring the World under our control."
You have no lue of what she speaks, but the firm voice is soft and enticing. You decide to take her offered hand, after all, what could possibly happen...?


Name: Rei
Age: Old enough
Likes: Reading, writing, chaos, anarchy, metal, punk, rock, techno music, raving, getting drunk and high, drawing, racing, annoying people, being a punk, rock concerts, mohawks, playing the drums, listening to music, hanging out with friends, knives, swords, sadism, satanism, masochism, murder, angst, insanity, warmth, fire, anime, slash and a few other things.
Dislikes: Pretty much everything else.
Fav. Book: Lord of the Rings
Character: Can't deccide between Legolas, Pippin or Haldir
Fav. Movie: Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Character: Leatherface?
Fav. Anime: Gundam Wing
Character: Kinda hard to chose between Duo, Heero, or Wufei
Fav. Quote(s): "Ignorance is bliss." --Matrix
"It's better to be hated for what you are, then to be loved for something your not."--Unknown
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