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User Name:Rootbeer
Name/Nick:Teresa Watson
Last Visited On:Sep. 17th, 2005, 15:57:37, PDT
Registered On:December 12, 2003
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:Psychoblonde1638
Biography:Hi hi...

Review my story!!!!!! (Healing the Scars)

KK well bout me then.....umm...15, 1 bro, 2 parents, 2 grandparents, 1 bff (WHOOOOOO!!!!DANA!!!!!)

Also i live sumwhere near Buffalo, not gunna tell u exactly where tho....stalkers are BAD!!!!

Oh and currently single and lookin for the perfect guy....fun and easy to joke with, but good for a serious discussion or even a cry if i need it, semi-cute but not concieted, smart but not genius-like, and pleasepleaseplease have hair...
also be taller then me (5'8, 5'9-ish) and with a high tolerance for the odd....
must be able 2 get hyper and be a complete idiot with me...
No creepy stalker-like people and live fairly close to Buffalo, so i can see you...
NO racists, sexists or others.....
And don't call me every day, 5 times a day....and let me pay for myself and open my own doors!
If i look like shit or smell bad TELL ME but be nice about it.....
and be prepared to like my friends, or else you're gone! And you have to like music that's similiar to mine and at the least dislike Orlando Bloom.....
and if you jack off, DON'T tell me about it...I don't want to know!!! Also don't but me stuff, i can do it thanks.....
and i don't like rings or yellow gold. No jewelry. Sooooo....
if you think you meet my obsessively high and pathetically unrealistic standards, IM me!!!!!

~no druggies or sex addicts

Oh, and if you come over to my house, talk to me, not my little brother. And yes, I know I'm pathetic! ^_^ ~Teresa