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User Name:Kalika142
Last Visited On:Jun. 01st, 2005, 20:10:47, PDT
Registered On:January 01, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
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Biography:Name: Kalika-Sama

Real name: Megan

Age: 14

E-mail: Kalika142@aol.com

Biography: I'm a average teenage girl who realy likes Inuyahs fanfics. I'd like it if my fans (* If I had anny *) would E-mail me. I might set the 15 review rule.....

I live in Phoenix Arizona, with my family, mom, dad, little sister, little bro, grandma and granda, and my two uncles.

My two favorate anime's are Inuyasha and Dagon Ball Z, and a little Kenshin those are the ONLY ones I'd write about EVER, and I may up load a crossover.

My favorate soda'sa re Mountain Dew, Sprite, and Sierra Mist. (*See a connectin here?*)

Stupidest thing I ever did: Stayed up for a little over three days and got anything and everything in the house with caffine banned.

Discription: I have brown hair and real light blue eyes, there borderline grey. I'm 5'6 and am a freshman in highschool.

I LITTERALY sit infront of a computer all day. Four hours at school and untill I go to sleep at home. So I read ALOT of Inuyahsa stuff.

I can't think of anything else to say exept my dad owns a boat and we go fishing once every other weekend, you have to remember though, I live in a dessert, theres like five places in the whole state to fish.

Ja Ne!
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