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User Name:Mina Lightstar
Name/Nick:Mina Lightstar
Last Visited On:Feb. 18th, 2004, 07:24:12, PST
Registered On:January 01, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Hi there. I'm Mina Lightstar, and I write. A lot.

I skirt the edges of many fandoms, maintaining a deep investment in none. Writing fanfiction is my primary (read: pretty much only) interaction with fandom in general. I've written for a variety of anime, manga, and video games - from 'Yu Yu Hakusho' to 'Final Fantasy' to 'Dragon Knights' to 'Grandia.' And there is always more to come.

My fiction ranges from gen to explicit yaoi, so don't read what you don't think you can handle. I am not your mother; don't come crying to me if you see something you don't like.

Well, you can if you want. I'll just laugh at you. Mwaha!

This purpose of this account is actually to showcase samples of my fiction. I have written over 100 fics (some of them very long) and I am not uploading them all here. ^_~

A complete archive of my fiction can be found on my website. Additionally, I have a mailing list so that people who are interested can receive teasers, snippets, and complete fics before archiving.

Destiny's Truth - http://destinystruth.net [fanfic]
minafic - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/minafic [ficlist]
Spelunking for Sanity - http://bikun.livejournal.com [lj]
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