User Name: | Aisuki |
Name/Nick: | Caitlin Moloney |
Last Visited On: | Dec. 05th, 2005, 19:04:45, PST |
Registered On: | February 02, 2004 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | Hi there! Suki at your service. ^.^
Let's see, I'd like to say I'm an author... so if I say it, it must be true!
But I really don't like people who do that. Calling themselves an author when they're not, I mean. You must *prove* your 'MaD wRiTiNg SkIlLz', young grasshopper. ^.^
So anyway, I mainly reside at, but decided to get a account too. Just in case I ever, in a fit of temporary insanity, post some fanart. I might... when my art starts to begin looking more like people and less like pickles.
And BTW, erm... I'm horrible at reviewing, so don't get mad if it takes me a while to leave you one. ^^;;
:Pareathe:- Pareathe is the shit, man! ^.^ Me and her used to be like this. *crosses one finger over the other* But that was back when I wrote DBZ and the Weird Club hadn't... died. ^^;; If you even like DBZ a tiny bit, you should read 'The Ones They Take For Granted'. It is AWESOME. Only Pareathe could make a pairing like that seem so tangible and canon.
Oh, and her Inuyasha fanfics aren't half bad, either. XD
:Rozefire:- Rose's AUs are amazing. She's so creative, and has such a good grasp on plot and character. Her reviews show it too... she's got nearly 7k on! If you've never heard of her, I've got to wonder what rock your head has been under. ^.^ Read her stuff, because it is really good. |