User Name: | Juzlovnsora |
Name/Nick: | Kairi |
Last Visited On: | Jun. 17th, 2004, 04:46:14, PDT |
Registered On: | March 03, 2004 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | OKay lets do that list that everyone does... i mean its tradition not many people ever read it but hey i will take my precous time and write it
Name: Like i am going to tell you *cough*Kairi*cough* Okay well if you don't call me Kairi i will kill you with a slow and painful death he he
B-day: OKay let me give you a clue it is in a month...(i knew that would help)
Grade: 6th supposed to be in 7th stayed back in Pre-K sad i know
Height: I have no idea all i know is somewhere near 5
Weight: Serously...
Oh and i am Christian yuppers!!!!!!!!!
OKay everybody here is my fave things not stories or authors those are below the profiel where they have the clicky things THE CLICKY THINGS!!!!!!
Sora/Kairi in other wards Sora/ME (best game in the world KH)
Zelda/Link (zelda)
Tidus/Yuna (ff)
Tidus/Selphie (kh)
Aerith/Cloud (kh)
Leon/Yuffie (kh)
Yaoi Pairings...
HELLO I HATE ALL OF THEM!!!!!!! especially my boy and the evil Riku..HUMPH
Animals: WOLFIE
Villian: ME no just kidding i am not a villian or am i hmm...
Guess what my friends and i found this out ok...i am 8/10 weird 1/10 girly girl 1/10 tomboy. I amy be tomboy/girly girl on the outside but don't worry i am pure randomness and weirdness on the inside.. (doesn't that make you feel better)
Things i dislike don't worry there are a lot
Couples: Mario and Peach (Yea i really thing that a princess should like a plumber)
Sora and Riku: ...seroulsy what in the game makes you think my boy is gay?
Riku and Kairi (come on serously doesn't everyone know that me and Sora are meant to be)
Aladdin and Jasmine (if you have played kingdom hearts you know what i am talking about the whole time you are saving Jasmine all she says is Aladdin Alladin save me Aladdin....oh i just want to rip the hair out of her overly perfumed head)
Singer: Brittney Spears (my friend was talking to me you knwow the card game bluff that isn't bluff it a bad word or bs. well we were talking and brittney Spears...BS.)
Chores: All of them but cleaning my room is the worst.
Well that is just some stuff to complain about right now. So now i will list some random things.
Quote of the day: Great minds think alike...and yet again so do stupid ones
Inside Joke of the Day: Sora = K
Men are like parking spaces there arn't enough good ones
I am and Angel...SEROUSLY! The horns are just to hold teh halo up
~*~I am 98% beautiful and 2% evil....or is it the other way around~*~
Men were made before wonmen because there is always a rouf draft before a masterpeice
Im not weird im gifted
My mind works liek lightning one brilliant flash and its gone.
Don't follow my footsteps i walk into walls
Don't hate me cause i am beautiful hate be cause your boyfriend thinks so
I'M having a blonde moment
Sometime smart people do very stupid things
I may be brunette but i still am stupid.
That are all the ones i can think of off the top of my head but i will post some more i promise!
I dunno i married to Sora
Hi everybuddies its me again did you miss me. Ha ha sorry.
GUESS WHAT i have a song for you here it is...
hey Kairi
I like the things you do
Hey Kairi
if i could i would be you
You're the one and only Kairi
Who's the one and only Princess
When you're around you make things
Kairi the Princess
she is more then good
OKay i am going to tell you what i am doing with my stories and stuff right now... |