User Name: | NightSeer |
Name/Nick: | Kel |
Last Visited On: | Feb. 03rd, 2006, 14:07:12, PST |
Registered On: | March 03, 2004 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | n/a |
Biography: | I'm a twenty something college student who's seriously considering changing her major again. I'll read just about anything, slash or het. It just has to be well written and have a good plot. But I draw the line at anything involving a Harry/Ginny pairing. That one drives me nuts. Not sure why, it just does. I also have a problem seeing Yusuke in a slash pairing unless it's with Kurama. I can't figure that one out either.
01/05/2005: Right now I'm writing two stories and have another short story in the works.
Violets, Braids, and Space Pirates?: A GW/Tenchi Universe fusion. Currently at a stand still because of writer's block
Pairings: 1x2x1 and maybe 3x4x3 .
Untitled: This one is a side story to VBS. It's about how Duo came to live with the Winners and how he and Quatre met Ryo-Ohki for the first time. It's the reason I'm having so much trouble with chapter fifteen of VBS. Right now it's in the rough outline stage with a few scenes written out. Hopefully once I get it written I can go back to the real story. There are no pairings in this story other than friendship between Quatre and Duo.
A Grim's Promise: A YYH/HP crossover. Two years before his death a powerful psychic made Sirius a promise. Now Genkai and Yusuke travel to London to keep it and throw the British magical community for a loop.
I tend to mention the lexicon as a source in this story a lot so here's the link to it if you want to check something out.
I haven't found a decent online source for YYH but as soon as I find one I'll post the link here so you can see where I'm double checking my info. If you know of one please email me with the link. I'm not having much luck with Google. |