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User Name:dragon_lover
Name/Nick:emily ash
Last Visited On:May. 31st, 2006, 19:42:02, PDT
Registered On:April 04, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:stuff about me: uhhhh, hmmmmm,.........

hair: brown wavyishy to sholders(normaly in ponytail)

eyes:green or blue or grayish (dont ask i dont know myself, but i guess it depends)

other looks: between medium and tall height, slightly tan(really tan over the summer),....(i cant think of anything else to put)

clothes: sportyish, or casual (somthing like that)

Personality: goes on shugar highs often, has problems with obsesion, obsesed with dragons, shugar, Dragon Ball Z/GT (but i dont have cable so i dont see it often, i will make dad buy it though, I WILL, muhahahahaha!! oh, sorry i lost control ^.^)and Yu-Gi-Oh! obsessed with video games, sports (ex. kyaking,(i hope i spelled that right) swimming, fishing, biking. tubeing, kneeboarding, skiing (the snow kind i still dont know how to water ski) etc.) insane, oh and im obsesed with randomness!!!!!!!


fav music: LINKIN PARK!!DROWNING POOL!! (rock 'n roll)
fav food: ummmm its so hard to chose i'll just pick ALFREDO PIZZA (Ci Ci's)
fav resturant: Ci Ci's (DUH)
fav yugioh character: THEIF/EVIL BAKURA HE IS SOOO HOT!!!!!!!!!
fav DBZ/GT character: TRUNKS!!!!!!!!!!!
fav tv show (other than yugioh and DBZ/GT): Steven King's Kingdom Hospital i think its cool!or The Simpsons
fav subject: ART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

favorites over******************

things i'm good at****************************

swimming, art, being random, being insane, being annoying, being an idiot!(:D), being funny (when i'm not trying to be funny i'm more funny),writing, biking, exersizing (now i know i spelled that wrong) forgetting stuff, spelling things wrong,... ummmm i'll think of more later but this is for now!!:P

end of things i'm good at********************************

what i like to do in my free time: draw, art, read, bike, video games, tv, computor, listen to music, eat, forget things

friends on mediaminer (so far): scorch_dragon111 & xelaas & this one girl(forgot her username)

random things to complain/talk about (just cause i feel like it)***********************

(don't have any more stuff right now but ill remember sooner or later)

that is all i can think of for now!!!!

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