User Name: | hiei6272 |
Name/Nick: | Ryce Shirogitsune |
Last Visited On: | Sep. 11th, 2005, 13:43:25, PDT |
Registered On: | April 04, 2004 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | ryceshiro |
AIM Handle: | Ryce Shiro |
Biography: | Name: Ryce, RyceBowl, Bri-chan, Ao-san, NinjaNomi (pick one)
+will make ye my friend ef ye is nice ^ ^
+will be as nice as possible
+will tolerate almost anything
+likes anime, manga, ramen, etc...
+won't talk to anyone flirty, perverted, etc...
-can't spel
-not to bright
-can be nasty at times
-will sometimes disappear at random for long periods of time
-goes into accent when really happy
-isn't good at socializing
+chicken soup
+slightly warm socks
+Japan (& et's culture)
+black&white stripes
+foreign languages/cultures/music/movies
-humans in general
-USA government
-eating something I just don't wanna eat...
-Math in general
-soup operas
+learning interesting things
+debating (i mostly like hearing other's opinions than "winning")
+writing/developing stories
+making people happy
+eating good food
-again, eating something I just don't want to eat...
-trying to look at my grandpa's faces and smiling while trying not to wrench
-listening to my grandma
-shopping for shoes/clothes
-going to old stores
-solving a math problem
(that's all I can think of right now....I'll update et when something else comes to mind)
Current Work:
Sharingan Poltergiest Revised
Kakashi Romance fiction |