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User Name:Sasuke and Wizzu
Name/Nick:Sasuke and Wizzu
Last Visited On:Jan. 01st, 2005, 19:18:50, PST
Registered On:April 04, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a

Age: uh.... Wizzu, I forgot hold old I am!
Hair color: Uh.... um.... oh yeah! Brownish Gold!
Eye Color: Hazel
Background: Wizzu and I are very good friends. We just realized that why don't we write fanfiction together? I felt stupid. Anyways, I forgot where I live and where I go to school, but I think I was born in March. What? You think I'm putting on an act? Pishaw! I don't lie! *sees that Wizzu gives her a glare* Don't look at me like that, baka! Can't you see I'm talking to people?


Age: old enough
Hair color: um..... *checks mirror* bright pink! XD no j/k;;
Background: Well, Sa-chan and I met a few months ago (puh. more like a few YEARS ago, but saying that makes me feel old, so months it is!) and really love anime/manga. ^_^ Right now, we're obsessing over Yuugiou.......and I've always had this infatuation with D.N.Angel (can you blame me?! look at all the pretty bishies! LOOK I SAY, LOOK!) and, um.... I'm a perfectionist! XD that's why I'm so happy I've got Sa-chan---everybody else hates me b/c all I do is point out their mistakes. V.V;; I'm even afraid to do it in reviews! XP pity me! Right. and, um......my current favorite song is 'Higher and Higher' from 'Groove Adventure Rave' IT'S SO CUTE!!!!! *sings* takaku takaku tobe hatashi mirai e! *lol*

OUR FICS (as of 05-27-04):

Coming tomorrow at the earliest! *^^* And, um... next month at the latest. -_-;;
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