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User Name:ciran
Name/Nick:Griff Locke
Last Visited On:May. 19th, 2011, 21:51:58, PDT
Registered On:May 05, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:What? Why are you staring at me? You wan't to know information about me? ME?! WHY?! What evil organization are you working for you worthless cur?!?!?! Oh you really just want to know stuff about me? Oh ok then. Well let's see I'm male, a virgo, or rabbit, depending on which zodiac you go by, I live in Texas (not by choice, mind). I write very little right now, soon to write digimon and maybe some pokemon hopefully (trust me none of this kiddy stuff like in the show or movies) Pairings that are accetable to me are Tk/Kari, Tai/Sora (I don't like canons!) Matt/Mimi, Davis/Yolei, Cody/Yolie (I know it's strange but it'll work, I'll make them older) Izzy/Yolie or Ken/Yolie, Takato/Jeri, and Henry/Rika. Those are my pairings, if you don't like don't read. I will sometimes do requests but only if it's one or more of the pairings above (if any). Also if I'm not finishing a fic please e-mail me, I don't like people who don't finish Fanfics and sometimes I have trouble keeping track of my fics so I don't want to be one of those people. Also please review, I need to know what you ppl like. So that's me and in the famous words of CyberDracomon "Please read, review, but most importantly enjoy! ^_^"
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