User Name: | MuriKyono-san |
Name/Nick: | Shenkan |
Last Visited On: | Aug. 27th, 2005, 12:35:42, PDT |
Registered On: | May 05, 2004 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | YuYuMation |
AIM Handle: | MasterGenkaiSan |
Biography: | Age: 13
Sex: Female
Location: Missouri, United States
About Me: I'm currently in Sperring Middle School, seventh grade. My goals are to get into Washington University, travel to Japan, and become a mangaku. My latest manga? Kindaiteki Hora, a story of schitzophrenics and alien abductions!
Anime: Yu-Yu Hakusho, followed up by Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Neon Genesis Evangelion, and .hack//SIGN. Plus many many many many many many more.
Manga: Naruto
Book: To Kill a Mockingbird
Movie: Empire of the Sun
Music Group: The Mars Volta or Coldplay. Tie. Hard tie to break. Favorite solo artist would be David Gray.
Class: English!
Song: My Oh My by David Gray
American Cartoon: The Simpsons
Sitcom: Roseanne (As if I couldn't get redneck enough)
Book charatcer: They're all dead so it doesn't matter. :(
Actor/Actress: Jim Carrey
Hot Actor: Johnny Depp or Oded Fehr, both pretty freakin... I mean, they kind of look alike.
Anime Character: GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI GENKAI from Yu-Yu Hakusho!! Read my fanfic Mission In America in the Yu-Yu Hakusho section!
Manga Character: Haku from Naruto
Favorite Stinkin' Thing in the Entire World: GENKAI!!
Martial Status: Single, and looking for a fellow Genkai fan. Don't make me cry. |