User Name: | Shinobi and Li |
Name/Nick: | i dunno |
Last Visited On: | Feb. 14th, 2005, 14:23:41, PST |
Registered On: | May 05, 2004 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | animes kitsune |
Biography: | My penname use to be known as Dark-Assassin33. Shinobi was Dark-assassin33. Li was Dark-shadow. The profile is by me, Shinobi. Oh and so far I write all the fanfics while Li is the editer cuz lets just face it I suck at grammer -_-; but Li is working on some fanfics and we're hopeing that we can post it soon.
Favorite stories and authors: Li likes Inuyasha stories, rozefire, and Keolla. I like cyoa, Rurouni Kenshin stories, and Phoe-chan.
Li's favorite paring
Shinobi's favorite parings
stories posted
You and Kurama: Summary: What happens when your ex-boyfriend, Kurama, wants you back? Would you except, or will you decline. 1 chapter, finished
Thought to be Dead: Summary: Sequel to You and Kurama. After getting married to Kurama, you opened a book store, while Kurama still worked for Koenma. But what happens when Botan came to your apartment and told you that Kurama was dead. Dun dun dun. 1 chapter, finished
Disclamier story: Summary: SHINOBI (ME), LI(MY SISTER), COFFEE, CRAZYNESS, DEAD BIRDS & MORE! You’ll find out….EVENTUALLY, if you read... Yu Yu Hakusho Naruto crossover. 1 chapter, finished unless you want me to continue.
Betrayed: summary: What would Kagome do if Inuyasha went to h... Kikyou 1 chapter finished
Suicide: Summary: You are a very famous singer and Hiei’s lover but he died a week before your concert. But you don’t believe he’s dead. 1 chapter finished
Another Love: Summary: You had a dream about a break up and start thinking about it. And you go on everyday faking happiness as you watch your love with someone else. T.T this story was deleted so if you want to read it then go to my penname is the same and the fic is finished.
stupid stuff
"I can't believe you idiots got high off of icecubes."-Quote from our brother
this is something we accully did
Li:Give me back my maker so I can get high!
Shinobi:I am not letting you get high!
*10 minutes later*
Li:I'll leave you alone if you do
Li: *runs around room sniffing marker and laughing evily then goes under table* This will be my new room.
Shinobi:-_-u She has gone crazy.
Yonger brother: No duh
Li:*petting and talking to marker* Hello pretty marker. Such a nice marker. *tries to run upstairs to get even more high*
Shinobi:*holds up Kodocha manga book* Choose marker or manga?
Li:*throws marker at some random place* Mine! My Kodocha! Mine!
Shinobi:*thinking* If she could she would have started foming at the mouth.
this is when we were playing war i was winning with all of the cards except for 5
my big brother was the person with 5 cards.
BB:i believe in the heart of the cards.
*he fliped the card and it was a two*
Shinobi:*LAUGHING HISTARACLY* Yay im goin to win
After the game we were super bored
BB: Hey lets play a nice game of gold fish...GOLD FISH
Li AND Shinobi:*if we could have we would anime fell
BBF(BB friend):are you serious
BB:im compleatly serious
Li AND Shinobi:*if we could have we would have sweatdroped*
Shinobi: *petting Sasuke picture* *whispering* My precious...
Li: *doing homework (surprising, huh?)* How do you spell 'container'?
Shinobi: *if she could've, she would've sweat dropped* *has dead-panned look on face* C-O-N-T-A-I-N-E-R!
Li: *smiling sweetly* Thank you!
Shinobi: *goes back to petting Sasuke picture* *whispers* My precious...
Shinoi: Playing with fire is's fun!
Li: I'm fine, just not mentally!
Qui(our cus'): I am Ula! I am nobody's bitch! You- you are my bitch!
Shinobi: I have a brain...i just sold it to some mad scientist that wants to contral people by taking there brains and eating the...
the person im saying it to: you can stop it now i get the point
Shinobi: Oh...ok
Li: Okay, this is my theary on Santa Claus. If he does exist, and if he really does go into people's houses, wouldn't he try to steal people's stuff?
Our Older Brother: Okay, this is my theary on chickens. One day these two female dinosaurs that were retarded and deformed did it *wink wink*. And then an egg popped out for the hell of it. Then out came a chicken. So actually chickens are dinosaurs gone deformed and retarded.
Shinobi: This is my retarded theary on therapist...I thinl therapist is a rapist...why you ask it's because the word therapist is spelled with the words the and rapist so never go to a therapist because they shall rape you since they are the rapist.
characters for fics:
Name: Vampire (Shinobi)(profile changed)
Race:1/2fox demon 1/2 vampire
Age: looks age 14 but real age unknown
Hair: in human form and vampire form it has knee length raven black hair that has chin length bangs that cover her left eye. in fox form its the same but has red and silver streaks.
Eyes: in human form it's brown and wears glasses in vampire form it's black in fox form it's silver.
Name: Ly Li
Race: 1/2 human 1/2 fire demon
Age: looks 15 but real age is unknown
Hair: has waist long black hair.
Eyes: has black eyes but usually wears red contacts.
real name: wouldn't you like to know
nickname: Vampire
live: wouldn't you like to know
school: wouldn't you like to know
age: somewhere above 10
likes: the color black,,anime, manga, shiny things,anime, manga, beating up other people,anime, manga, writing fics, anime, manga, drawing,anime, manga, reading fanfics, anime, manga.
obsessions: anime,and manga
hates: color pink, pink lovers, preps, really perky people, dresses skirts.
real name: wouldn't you like to know.
nickname: Li
live: wouldn't you like to know
school: wouldn't you like to know.
age: somewhere above 10
likes: cookies,anime, manga, sandwiches, color black, anime, manga, reading fanfics, anime, manga, harry potter, anime, manga.
obsessions: anime, and manga
hates: samething as me. |