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User Name:Amaya
Last Visited On:Aug. 19th, 2004, 14:27:28, PDT
Registered On:May 05, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:well, I guess that wanting to post fan-fiction or even wanting to read it will be postponed...for a long while. My husband( or soon to be ex) has decided he want's a divorce. It came as a complete surprise to me, honestly. I thought we were completely comfortable, but I guess he hid his unhappy-ness( I'm sure that's not spelled right) quite well. He say's we are still friends, which at the moment I know we are, I know he just can't be happy here. That obviously doesn't make me happy, although I must admit, I am not feeling much. I'm crying when I takl to my Mom or Him, but I don't feel overwhelming saddness, or frustration, or anger...Is that normal? Mabye I'll feel more later. I realize that there may not be anyone reading this. But this is my little rant to me. And anyone who cares. I do however plan to return. I just don't know when.

Goodbye for now. Untill I get back on my feet.