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User Name:Hieislover
Last Visited On:May. 14th, 2005, 15:09:53, PDT
Registered On:June 06, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
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Biography:Hey, sorry I didn't put my bio before. Clumsy me... well what is there to tell you. I've been a Yu Yu Hakusho hardcore fan for only about a year. I remember when I didn't know anything, my brother was watching the dark tournament and when Yukina arrived I started asking if Kurama was her brother. lol
Anyway. Well, I also watch the Dragonballs, but I prefer Yu Yu by a landslide.
I live in Puerto Rico... and thats pretty much it. I read HieiXreader fics and YusukeXreader fics, but I barely find YusukeXreader fics... can anyone send me an e-mail at JulianaPerez_94@hotmail.com if you write one or find one... the one I'm writting is a YusukeXreader fic, so anyone interested, read and review! BAI BAI