User Name: | Mistress Kaikari |
Name/Nick: | Gabrielle |
Last Visited On: | May. 04th, 2002, 19:24:11, PDT |
Registered On: | October 10, 2001 |
Email: | |
Homepage: | n/a |
ICQ Number: |
n/a |
Yahoo Handle: | n/a |
AIM Handle: | MistressKaikari |
Biography: | My life has been tradgedy and saddness. The only thing that soothes my wild heart is Digimon and other Aneme. Of Digimon, Hikari, Yamato, Ken, the Kaiser(I feel them 2 different people). And now, for season 3, the newest favorite is Ruki. I write angst, supernatural, drama, that type of stuff mostly. I also mainly stay around Kaikari, the Digimon Kaiser and Hikari. |