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User Name:Angel Yami-ko
Last Visited On:Jan. 06th, 2006, 16:17:09, PST
Registered On:June 06, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Current Projects in the works:
Kingdom Hearts: Hearts' Desire - Prologue redone,
working on chapter 1. Will be reposted when I'm done with chapter 5.

Inter-Dimensional Deathmatch - Chapter 1 almost complete.

FF VII: Daddy - Outlined - Hearts' Desire is my priority at the moment.

Kingdom Hearts: Dreams - Outlined, section one complete. Researching dream archetypes for the actual dream sequence involved.

FullMetal Alchemist: Clockwork - One-shot I'm writing as a gift fic for B-chan. She wants a piece that's longer than 3 pages, has a pairing of Envy/Al, and makes some kind of reference to the quote "You should write the name of someone you love in a circle because hearts can break, but circles go on forever, even longer than clockwork." I hope to have it finished by 10/10, but this is one of those things I just can't bring myself to write for whatever reason, despite having a full outline done. ^_^;;;;

Some things you'll notice about me:
1). I stick the main fandom in the titles of my works. This is to make it easier for people to search for it - especially if the Non-Anime section is involved or if they're just looking at my list of stories.

2). I take a lot of things from my life and put them into my fics. If I know you, you'll show up in one form or another, be it OC, gag, or even a canon character. For example, I tend to base KH Sora's personality on my friend Suzanne for example and Kakashi (Naruto) I loosely base on my father.

3). When I do crossovers, I only do the disclaimer for a particular fandom when it first shows up in the story and you never see it again. Once is enough in my opinion.

4). I detest author's notes stuck in the middle of non-humor stories. It's a pet peeve of mine.

5). If you review and have an mm.org account, I'll check out your stuff and review as well.

6). I adore reviews that actually give me some criticism. I know no work is perfect, but I'd like to improve, so if something seems off or wrong with my stories, I would appreciate it if you'd let me know!