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User Name:Silverrain
Name/Nick:and I should tell you this because?.....
Last Visited On:Feb. 20th, 2006, 12:41:36, PST
Registered On:August 08, 2004
ICQ Number: n/a
Yahoo Handle:n/a
AIM Handle:n/a
Biography:Silverrain: Scarlet doesn’t want me to put any info. on me here so instead I get to put her info. here and she’s not really happy about that
Scarlet: you’d better hurry up and finish that Silverrain *glares evilly at the computer screen while trying to reach the computer to destroy it *
Silverrain: Fine Scarlet *sighs* and stop trying to destroy my computer you know what happened last time you did that * tries to keep scarlet away from the computer*
Scarlet: * remembers what happened last time, gets a case of the goose bumps, and stops trying to destroy the evil computer (she thinks it’s evil)* Fine just hurry up and finish the stupid info. on me.

Name: Scarlet
Gender: female
Age: what’s it to you (we lost count a long time ago either that or she just doesn’t want people to know her age)
Race: half-element cat with bat wings half- telekinesis
Height: 4’12
Eye color: light brown with a reddish blackish outline but when mad firey red with an evil glint
Hair color: black with red flames at the bottom
Hair style: waist length and normally in a high ponytail with two pieces in the front 2 inch. past chin length curved in and out of ponytail.
Clothes: black capri pants with red sparkles and a chain hanging out of one of the pockets. A dark red tank top with the words “Keep talking and your head might disappear” in black with black sparkles.
Youkai appearance: Black bat wings with dark dark red (almost invisible because it’s such a dark red color) jaguar spots on the back. Black cat ears and tail with the tip of the left ear firey red and the tip of the right ear blood red and the tail also has dark dark red jaguar spots (like the jaguar spots on the back of the bat wings).
Personality: you should know my personality by now (she’s not really nice to people)
Favorite Weapons: Scythes, Daggers, Halberd, Katana, Kusari-Gama, Naginata, Pike, Spear, and Throwing Knives.
Favorite food: Chinese food, sweet snow a.k.a. Ice cream, pizza, spaghetti, and Italian food.
Hobbies: drawing, reading (the only time she reads is if the story she's reading involes scary things happing, horror, and people getting hurt badly), listening to music, playing some games (mostly just the ones that invole hurtting someone or fighting), swimming, not talking, fighting, training, fighting and that's about it.
Anything Else: has a pet cat (with wings).
The cat is really a cat with wings but disguised herself as a black jaguar cat with a bracelet on her right paw in public. Her name is Shokala (sho (like show)-ka (like cat only ca) - la (like lalalala (singing)) and she’s really nice and likes to solve puzzles. Shokala’s also really good at riddles, but can get scary if she’s mad or frustrated. An example is she once tried to set the psychiatrist’s office and the whole building on fire because they thought she was a crazy and dangerous jaguar cat. Oh and she’s really hard to bet in a battle. She’s also very protective of her friends and family. She is very clam and understanding, but sometimes she’s scary by being so clam. Finally she has excellent advice, is very funny, and also sometimes does this really weird dance in public that makes people stare at her like she’s nuts or they’ve never seen any jaguar cat [they think she’s a “normal” jaguar cat] dance before....Oh and Shokala is black all over with dark blue paws. The tip of here tail is icey blue and so are her eyes. She has a white star on her forhead and there is a grayish blue stripe over her eyes. Her wings are black all over with icy blue tips and in some parts dark blue.

There now that I’m done with the info. on Scarlet here are some sites that you can write stories in

(Person in sky blue with silver sparkles cloak: talk
Person in black with blood red sparkles cloak: and why would I want to do that Silverrain
Silverrain: because something needs to go in here Scarlet
Scarlet: fine talk
Silverrain:*sigh*) = means that I’m telling a bit about the site but not much just if it allows CYOA stories and a comment or two about the site and that I’ve decided to well talk.
*person reading this biography* quit stalling and start writhing!
Scarlet: She is writing you J*** A** buffoon!
P.R.T.B. {a.k.a. person reading this biography}: oh I knew that...
Scarlet: Yeah right.*glares evil glowing daggers at P.R.T.B.*

www.Fanfiction.net (This site is the first fan fiction site I ever found and even though it does not allow CYOA stories it's a really great site)
www.MediaMiner.org (This site that you’re on. I felt like putting it here but you probably already know is this site unless you're really stupid. No afence(sp?))
www.SoupFiction.net (This site is having some problems for some odd reason and I think it allows CYOA stories i'm not sure)
www.fosff.net (this site allows CYOA stories)
www.youfiction.proboards30.com (This site allows CYOA stories as well)
www.animespiral.com (This site also allows CYOA stories)
www.E-fiction.org (This site keeps having some problems with their bandwidth limit, but they allow CYOA stories)
www.freewebs.com/silvernfalcon/ (This site is pretty small right now but it’s slowly getting bigger)
http://lotuweydurnem.proboards31.com(Nothing to say except that it also allows CYOA stories)

Silverrain: Well that's all I feel like writing right now so bye!
Scarlet: Finally! I thought you would never stop typing!
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