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"The Universe of the Four gods" Reviews/Comments [ 1 ]
 Reviewed By: Lina Inverse the Dramata  On: November 11, 2005 05:56 CST
It has a lot of possibilities and I look forward to seeing where you take this. Just do me a favor and don't rewrite everything word for word like outta the book/movie. Simply because- - well, if a person wants that we have the movie/book. And besides, I just got done rereading a Fushi/Inuyasha xover where Kagome appeared w/ Miaka... and all it does is let Kag steal Mia's lines. All the potential fell flat just because they wouldn't deviate fr the books and just wanted Kag to show up Mia. So that's all I have to say, don't rewrite the book, let your own nifty ideas out... Miaka with Hotohori is kick ass and leaving them there was a nice twist. Now they have to figure out how to survive. It may very well take them weeks to meet the emperor! Good luck with this story.

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