Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ Surprise!! School lol ( Chapter 13 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]


Shashomiru: And thus began Season 2.
Hack: Oh, joy.
Shashomiru: That is to say snacks, playgrounds, and eventually scholarships, a world of discovery. 
Hack: Hehehe.
Shashomiru: Oh, and also, I'm changing the format from Script :3
All the children slept silently in their beds... The room was dark, the babies whimpered softly and Malik had a smirk on his face. Nothing could change the sweet, innocent dreams traveling through their minds right now... except Yami.
"Up and wakey children!" He flipped the light on.
All the children yipped and hid under their covers.
"What are you doing!?" Ryou pulled at his pillow.
Yami pulled the blanket off him and pulled him into his arms. "Today is everyone's favorite day!! Your first day of Pre-school."
"S...school?" Yugi stared at the other children in the classroom.
"Psht... the babies are lucky." Malik rubbed his nose with his sleeve. "Ryou, we sit at that table, go save it for me, would you?"
"'kay." Ryou waddled to the table.
"School!?" Joey clung to himself with a look of astonishment.
"Yeah, Wheeler," Seto crossed his arms and walked passed him.
"Hey..!" Joey followed him.
"Eh... So. What are your plans of escape, Hack?" Malik looked at Hack and paused.
Hack was staring at something. Very hard. He stared with a bit of a look that made him appear almost baffled and his eyes were fixed.
Malik looked at his eyes and followed them to a girl sitting at a table near a corner. He raised an eyebrow and stared at Hack. "Hack. You of all people."
Hack shook his head and looked at Malik. "What?  I was merely thinking whether that table was appropriate for my contemplating or not." Hack slowly began toward the table.
"Good luck, brave soul!"
"Right." Hack pulled a chair from the table and sat with the little girl.
"Okay, children. Settle down, it's quiet time. Now. Welcome to your first day of Pre-school! Some of you may be a little bit nervous, but I just want you to know we're all friends here. My name is Ms. Sota. And I'm going to be your teacher for the next year."
"YEAR?!" Malik jumped up abruptly. Ryou quickly covered his mouth and pulled him back down.
"Hehe, yes. The next year. Some of you may be here for the next two years."
Joey stared with eyes widening.
"Okay, children. First things first. I'm going to call role. Okaaay, let's see here... Aeris?"
Hack sat and stared, thinking to himself. "Aiseki. That's her name, eh..."
"Hm? What? Oh. Present."
"And Vincent."
"Very good. Everyone is here today. Right now we're going to get to know each other. And to do that we need to first learn everyone's name. On your table is a card, some crayons, and pencils. We're going to make name tags! Make it as colorful as you can, children." Ms. Sota smiled warmly.
The children all picked up their utensils and began to work on their name cards.
"Dis is so fresh." Marik poked at his card with a blue crayon.
"I tink it's otay..." Ryou carefully draws his name.
"Aiseki. Heh. She's kinda cute... What am I saying?!"
Hack blinked and raised an eyebrow, looking up. "Wha?"
"Your name... is Blargh? I thought it was Hackis or something..."
Hack blinked again and looked at his card. Sure enough, in red and black was the word "Blargh".
"Or is it a nickname of some sorts..."
"Um. Actually. Blargh is the name of my pet..... chicken."
Aiseki stared at him for a long time.
Hack stared back.
She quickly began working back on her card.
"Gah. RAH," Hack pokes at his card.
Ms. Sota walked up behind Hack again, smiling. She blinked, clarifying, "Blargh..?"
It was playtime! All the children wandered about the playground and ran into poles and trees cuz this is my story and I find it kinda funny.
Hack sat alone at a swing with his head hanging and sighed. "Ridiculous..."
"How's it going?"
Hack looked up to see Ryou and Malik standing before him, holding hands. He raised an eyebrow. "Why are you two holding hands?"
"Well, sometimes Ryou thinks he might get into some kinda deelio when he's in..." Malik looked about and leaned closer, whispering, "'Hikari...'"
"Yeah. I don't know why he won't just 'Yami,'" he air quotes. "Buuut anyway. We have a sand castle to build and rule successfully."
"We will!" Bakura smiled and followed Malik who tugged him along.
"You're occupying all the good dirt!" Seto nudges Joey's foot.
"It's alright."
"Wheeler, the only thing that's going to happen is a ant is going to cwawl into your pants and wook for your brain."
"I thought my bwain was in my head?"
"It's different for YOU. Cuz you're a alien."
"Am not!"
"Wheeler, get up. We need to build a castle." Malik walked up to him.
"It's my sand!"
Hack gently rocked back and forth and sighed. Somebody sat in the swing next to him and he turned his head. It was the girl from earlier. Aiseki.
Hack tilted his head a bit and blinked, looking at the headband of ears upon her head. It was apparent that she was fond of creatures from the ears and tail she wore. "Hm..."
"You're staring at me."
"I'm not."
"Yes, you are."
"Whatever." He looked back at the ground letting his dark hair cover his face.
"Bigger. Even bigger than that. I want it to be the biggest castle in the world." Malik patted the castle.
"Okay, children, gather together!"
"AWWW!" Joey pulled himself from the sand and brushed himself of the grains.
"Way ta go," Seto crossed his arms and wanders on.
"Come on, Mawik."
"But but but... I wanna build..."
"It's awright, it shall be there for all time." Ryou grabbed Malik's hand and pulled him from the sandbox.
Malik reached for the sandcastle and whimpered.
Shashomiru: Ta-da.