Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ A Chibi Story ❯ Another Day ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Shashomiru: More goodness!

"Joey, come on!!"
Joey clung for dear life to his mattress as Yami pulled him.
"Gaaaah," Yami grumbled.
Hack leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed. "I can help. Hey, Joey. I hid some broccoli in your mattress while you were sleeping."
Joey yipped like a girl and let go of the mattress.
"Oof! Thanks...."
"Make sure you eat everything now, children." Ms. Sota smiled.
"I'll trade you my carrot for your jelly beans."
"Sure, Wheeler." Ryou nudged the carrot back at Joey.
"Eh. It was worf seeing."
"Hack, I think you have something for that girl," Malik tells hims.
"You keep looking at her."
"You do constantly, I've noticed it."
"It's barely even been a week since we've started school."
"And the time you've spent staring at her and drawing creatures has made up enough time for a months worth of seeing her for a reason each day."
Hack stared at his plate. He'd made a creature with bits of his carrots. He poured his milk on it and sighed. "Just being creative is all."
"Malik, we're going to improve that castle today." Ryou looked at Malik.
"You say that every day, but what about Wheeler?"
"Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, Wheeler. Share the sand today." Seto nudges Joey under the table.
"We'll see." He bit into his carrot and scrunched his face up.
Hack stood up abruptly. Everyone at his table looked up at him.
"....I'm going to see if the girl would like some Jelly beans." He walked to her.
They all watched him and blinked.
"What's up wif Hack?" Yugi looked at Malik.
Malik looked at him and stared. "...I don't know." Then went back to eating.
Hack held his Jelly Beans for Aiseki. She looked up at him. They both stared at each other. "Here.."
"......Jelly beans?"
Hack tilts his head.
"Can I have them?" a voice says.
Hack turned his head to a boy with tall, spikey, blonde hair.
"...Alright." He places the jellies into the boy's hands and sat at the table.
"My name's Cloud."
"Hi, Cloud..."
"People at this table are rather independent. So, it gets kinda intriguing, I guess you could say..."
"That's alright with me. I only talk some." He smoothed his fingers through his hair and relaxed his elbows on the table, staring on.
"That girl..."
Everyone turned and looked at Vincent.
He stared from behind his red scarf and dark hair at the table, speaking softly. "I've yet to hear her speak much of anything...."
"She said something just a few moments ago when I offered her my jelly beans." Hack lifted his head up, gathering information.
"I see..." He lowered his head and hid his eyes behind his bangs.
"Who else does she have?"
"She doesn't bother me..." Vincent rubbed his arm.
Hack looked at them all and stood up. "Hm. Alright then."
"Joey!" Seto growled at Joey who was laying face first in the sandbox.
"Come oooon, I want to build our sandcastle." Marik tells him.
Joey prods a little and stared at him. He sighed. "Yeah, yeah..."
"I hope a ant crawls up your nose, Wheeler!"
"I hope a bird eats you, Kaiba!"
"I hope the broccoli rises from your mattress and eats you tonight." Ryou tilted his head.
"Wh-what?" Joey contemplates this...
Hack sighed and drew a picture of a creature in the sand with his shoe.
"Is there something you want from me?"
Hack looked up to see Aiseki sitting in the swing next to him, staring at him. "Why?"
"Be honest with me."
"I am being honest."
"A lot of people should be more honest."
"I just said I am being honest." He looked at the ground.
"Just keep that in mind." She stood up.
Yami and the kids were all getting ready for bed. "So, how was school today, kids?"
"It was fun!" Yugi smiled warmly, leaping into his bed.
"I think Hack has a cwush on a girl..." Malik smiled.
"A crush now?"
Hack stuffed himself under his blankets.
"Sure, sure.." Malik laid next to Ryou.
"G'night, Mawik."
"Night, Bakura."
Joey carefully poked at his mattress, looking under his bed.
Yami raised an eyebrow. "Joey, what are you doing?"
"Huh!? Oh. Nuthin'! Lookin' for Broccollli..."
Ryou smirked.
"I see..." Yami patted him. "Hm... Why is your head covered in sand?"
Shashomiru: w00t