Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ She loves me..........not? ❯ The problem... ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Author's Notes:

I'm back!!!

Wow! I never thought I could think of things to write this fast!

I've been doing this in school instead of paying attention in class -_-` maybe that's why I've been doing so bad… O well, I like doing this! Please review again!

Arigato everyone for their reviews!!! U guys make me happy ^_^

Disclaimer: I'm not going to be doing disclaimers because I already wrote one in the first chapter! I'm too lazy to keep writing it. So if u wanna see it (I dunno why you would) look in the first chapter!

Now, on with the show!

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Syaoran got out of the plane.

`Too bad Meiling couldn't come' he thought, `she really wanted to see her friends here.' MeilLing had to stay to finish her training in Hong Kong. With that in mind, he went to pick up his baggage and took a cab to his old apartment.

~Tomoeda High School~

"Aaaaahh!" Sakura yelled when someone grabbed her shoulders from behind.

"It's alright, it's me Sakura" the person said

"Oh, it's you Kaun-kun" Sakura said as she placed a kiss on his cheek

"Hey Saskura, what are you doing here all by yourself?" Kaun said as he sat down on the bench with her

"Oh, nothing" Sakura said as she placed her head on his chest as his arms wrapped around her.

<A/N: If you haven't guessed it, Kaun is the problem! I'm sorry if this name sux…bear with me ppl ^_^>

~Syaoran's Apartment~

It was great to see Tomoeda again. The neighborhood didn't change at all. There was Penguin Park , where some card capturing took place, and the Sakura Tree where he and Sakura met many times before. Even though the neighborhood didn't change, he hoped that Sakura's memory of him hasn't changed.

`Wait, what am I thinking?!?!?! Sakura probably never loved him anyways. They were just friends. Best friends at most.' He thought as he put his clothes away

`I know!' He thought, `I'll go see her after school, there can't be any harm in that right?'

~Tomoeda High School~

Sakura felt a strong magical aura that day. It seemed familiar but she couldn't place her finger on it. She tried to concentrate on the new power but was interrupted every time lest it be her getting in trouble for daydreaming in class or friends asking if she was sick. As soon as school was over, Sakura and Tomoyo walked to Sakura's house. Sakura usually walked home with Kaun but he had practice today and Tomoyo was worried about Sakura's more-than-usual daydreaming.

"How's your relationship with your loverboy there?" Tomoyo asked and Sakura blushed.

"Did you kiss him yet?" Sakura's face got even more red.

As they turned the corner, Sakura's expression changed suddenly.

"Tomoyo, that's the aura I was feeling all day! I have to find it! It might be another card!"Sakura yelled as she ran toward the park.

"Wait for me!" Tomoyo called after Sakura as she struggled to get her camcorder out of her bag she kept "just in case" while following Sakura.

When Sakura got to Penguin Park, she gasped to see a young man with chocolate brown messy hair with a green shirt and khakis with his back facing her. The powerful green aura was coming from him.

`He reminds me of someone' Sakura thought `But who?'

Syaoran was deep in thought at the park, thinking about the past, thinking about Sakura. What would he do if Sakura didn't remember hi, what would he do if she had someone else? He thought for a long time. As he was thinking, he sensed a powerful aura coming toward him. It was pink. It was her.

He turned around to see a beautiful girl with a pink long-sleeve shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers. She looked around his age, around 5'9. Her hair was a caramel brown with green eyes he could stare into forever.

As the young man turned around, she saw that he was very handsome. Especially his eyes. They were amber, filled with fierceness but gentle also. It was very comforting. He was about 6'2 and around her age. The instant she looked into his eyes, she knew who it was.

"Syaoran-kun….." she whispered with tears in her eyes. She couldn't believe it…

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I dunno why but I feel like I didn't do this chapter as well as the first one… I'm sorry! Its just that I got busted for writing these today in class! That's why I rushed this! But please R&R or send reviews to! and remember this fic is S+S it will get better…….if you want it to!

Ja ne!
