Card Captor Sakura Fan Fiction ❯ She loves me..........not? ❯ The Meeting... ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

The Meeting…

Author's Notes:

Ohayo everyone!

This chapter is kinda short but I had mucho tests today so I couldn't finish it in school!

Thanks for all the reviews everyone! Arigato! I hope I'll be getting more!

Now, let's get this fan-fic started!

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Both of them stood there, staring at each other.

`Wow, she's beautiful… more beautiful than when I left. But those eyes didn't change, I could still stare at those eyes forever…' Syaoran thought as he stared at her.

`He came back' Sakura thought while staring at him `He came back……….for me'

Soon, their thoughts were disrupted when Tomoyo ran to Sakura to see if she was alright.

"Sakura! Did you find…" she yelled as she ran to her best friend but stopped when she saw him.

"Oh, hi Li-kun" Tomoyo said smiling. She turned to Sakura with a smile.

"Ummmm Sakura, I better get going, my mom says I had to go with her to a……. meeting" Tomoyo said as she started walking quickly toward her house. "Ja ne!"

Tomoyo's walking turned into a run…………….she wanted to get a spot to film the two. (A/N: -_-` that's Tomoyo for you)

She found a place behind a bush and zoomed in on the two.

"I-It's n-n-nice to see you S-Sakura" Syaoran finally managed to say

"I-It's nice to see you too" Sakura said looking down at the ground not from a blush but to hide the guilt in her eyes.

`He kept his promise but I didn't' Sakura thought. `I don't deserve him'

"I better go home now, I…….have to cook dinner tonight" Sakura said quickly. And with that, she ran home with tears in her eyes.

"Wait! Sakura!" Syaoran yelled as she turned the corner. "I love you…" he whispered as he stood there watching the corner Sakura turned.

`I thought she would want to see me…not run away. Maybe it would have been better not coming here'

Meanwhile, Tomoyo taped everything.

`Poor Li-kun, he's gonna be heartbroken when he finds out…' Tomoyo thought

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I'm sorry everyone!

I would have written more but I wasn't sure if I could finish the other part! Gomen! Please don't hurt me!

I really don't know if I should include magic, or if I should make Kaun an evil magician or just a jealous guy without magic! Please add that in your reviews!

Review this fan-fic please! Click on the button on the bottom or send them to!

Well, I'll have the next chapter up either later today or tomorrow! Don't worry!

Ja ne for now!
