Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction ❯ Sworn to Secrecy ❯ Chapter 1: Where The Hell Did You Come From? ( Chapter 1 )

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Chapter 1: Where The Hell Did You Come From?

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Summary: Hilary, Dai-chi, and the BladeBreakers are at the beach. Except this beach is right beside a battle field!

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*Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Beyblade characters in the story so far, but I do own Jerri, Jason, Jesse, Athena, Gaiten, Dragon Demon and Tsaisu.

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**With Hilary, Dai-chi, and the BladeBreakers**

"Excuse me?! What did you just say?!" Kai shouted at Tyson. Tyson gulped.

"Uh-oh…" Tyson was backing away really quickly.

"I'll give ya to 10!" Kai yelled getting real pissed off. Tyson scurried into the water.

"10!!!" Kai jumped into the water.

"Do they always act like that?" Dai-chi was cowering in a corner when he asked Ray,

"Only when they're near Hilary." Ray replied in the same undertone when he doesn't believe something. It was just when he ended his sentence when they heard a big PING!

"What was that?!" Max asked.

"I don't know." Ray answered.

"Bet I know, Hilary <I>did</I> say that we were near an old battlefield." Dai-chi said and walked out of the corner.

"Hey you're right." Ray said. They watched the hill where they suspected the PING was made.

**On The Battlefield**


"No, my friends aren't dead. No one will be dead except for you!!" Athena said, her voice rising with every word said. "SPIRIT RENEWAL!! RELEASE THE SPIRITS THAT THIS DEMON HAS KILLED!!!" Athena shouted.


"NO!!! YOU DESTROYED THE PEOPLE, NOW THEY HAVE EVERY RIGHT TO HAVE REVENGE!!!" Athena shouted. The spirits attacked the demon, and when it was destroyed, the young Athena could feel their souls' happiness and relief. "Uh-ooohhh! Jerri! Jason! Jesse! Gaiten! Tsaisu! No!! They can't be. Huh!" Athena turned.

"You forgot a very important fact! I've taken over Tsaisu's body before! Now I can do it again. The dragon demon hit Athena over the shoulder and she lied almost unconsious. And just when the demon was about to devour Athena, a young boy attacked the demon's tail.

"Wait Jerri! We can't destroy Tsaisu's body!" Athena shouted painfully while getting up.

"But if we don't stop him he'll kill us off!" Jerri said.

"Wait, just leave it to me." Athena said. Jerri knew that his friend had something to do, so he nodded to tell her his approval. "Arigato Jerri, PURIFIED INNOCENCE!!!" She called out mustering all of the energy in her body. A white beam lighted up at her finger like a someone had just lit it with a match. "NOW!!!!" The beam was released off of her finger and hit Tsaisu on the left half of Tsaisu's chest and went out his back as a black beam. Tsaisu dropped to his knees. The demon came out of his body and said,

"SHIT! DAMN YOU BOY. YOU'LL SEE. I'LL BE BACK. BUT FOR NOW, TAKE THIS!" He went towards Jerri invisible, and knocked him right into the water with such force, that he went all the way down to the bottom. And that the BladeBreakers could hear.

"No…jerri…" Athena groaned. Jason's dead, Jesse's nowhere to be found, Tsaisu's unconsious, Gaiten's gone to get help, and now Jerri's at the bottom of the beach. And soon I'll be joining Jason. Please Gaiten, hurry up, we can't wait any longer. Athena thought. She thought of Jason's and Jerri's shining blue eyes, Gaiten's naiveness, and Tsaisu's attitude. She hoped that maybe, just maybe, Gaiten could get here before her life force went out, or else it's bye-bye Athena.

**With Hilary, Dai-chi, and the BladeBreakers**

"What was that?" Tyson asked.

"I don't know, but I better go check it out." Kai replied, totally forgetting that he was supposed to pumell Tyson to the ground.

"I'll go with you. If there's something you need to pull up I don't think you can manage." Ray said.

"……………………̷ 0;……………" Kai didn't say anything.

"I'll come anyway." Ray answered to Kai's `…………………………R 30;………….'

"Whatever…" Kai said diving into the water. Ray followed suit. They found the body of a child around the age of 12. Kai dragged Ray up while Ray dragged the body. They pulled it up and onto the beach. Max gasped.

"That's, a…a…a…" Max stuttered.

"Spit it out already!" Tyson said.

"Tyson, really…" Hilary scolded him.

"It's a…a…a…Rogue War…r…ior. One of the kids that I he…lp…ed during Christmas." Max said backing away. "During Christmas, I was helping a group of kids called the Rogue Warriors. They're part of an army of kids. Their mums and dads all died part of an explosion. That's one of the twins. I can't tell if they're Jerri or Jason." Max said coming closer to the seemingless dead corpse.

"I can take off the helmet, but that's about it. Dizzi, sorry to bug you but can you check if they're Jerri or Jason? They're in the beyblading database I think." Max said taking off the helmet. They all gasped at the boy's face.

"Look at all the scars. Blood, spiltered everywhere." Hilary said gasping.

"Well, that one's Jerri, and here's his data." Dizzi said.

"There you are Jerri! I've been looking all over for you!" A voice from the sky said. They all looked up except Jerri. "Uh-oh, that doesn't look good" Gaiten said with a scared look on his face. He flew down to the boy. "Where is that thing?" Gaiten said picking his pocket. "Ah, here it is! Oh, hi Max." He said pulling a flashlight thingamabob while greeting Max.

"H…hi…Gaiten." Max stuttered. Gaiten opened Jerri's mouth and shone the thingamabob at it. Jerri's started moving, and soon opened his eyes.

"Whathappened?" He slurred.

"We'll tell you later `Tiger', right now, we need to find your sword and brother." Gaiten said getting up.

"Huh, whatdyamean? My sword's right he…re?" He said putting his hand to his sheath. "Oh-no, where is it?!" Jerri said frantically.

"Uh……Sorry to interupp, but what about us, are we even here? And if you're looking for a sword, I think you mean this heavy thing." Tyson asked heaving a heavy object.

"Thanks soooooooooooo……… much." Jerri said running to it quite quickly and placed it in his sheath.

"That's weird, how come you didn't transform?" Gaiten said.

"Huh? What transformation?" Ray asked.

"I transform everytime I lose my sword. I lose a bit of my soul everytime I transform. It's because of our damned father. He was a Saiyan prince, and he just had to marry our damned mother. The stupid demon, she caused me to be this. Jason would be the only one that could stop me. But now, I can't feel his energy, which means…" Jerri's glorious blue eyes turned a bloody red. Gaiten touched Jerri's shoulder. "Thanks." Jerri said sheepishly while her eyes turned normal. "Where's Athena, Jesse and Tsaisu?" Jerri asked changing the subject.

"I stopped by the battlefield earlier after talking to Xialoin. Athena's in and out of consiousness, Tsaisu's in a coma, and Jesse's no where to be found." Gaiten said pulling at Jerri's ear.

"OWWWWW!!!!" He complained.

"Sorry, wanted to check something." Gaiten said shrugging. Jerri glared.

Gaiten touched Jerri's shoulder. "Thanks." Jerri said sheepishly while her eyes turned normal. "Where's Athena, Jesse and Tsaisu?" Jerri asked changing the subject.

"I stopped by the battlefield earlier after talking to Xialoin. Athena's in and out of consiousness, Tsaisu's in a coma, and Jesse's no where to be found." Gaiten said pulling at Jerri's ear.

"OWWWWW!!!!" He complained.

"Sorry, wanted to check something." Gaiten said shrugging. Jerri glared at him.

"Ya, right." He said.

"Hey, I said sorry!" Gaiten complained. The Beyblade gang all laughed.

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A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: I hope the list isn't too long!

do NOT copy my characters

only flame if you HAVE to

PLEASE review




Please review, this is a ***** story!

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